
Top 12 internal communication tools

Last modification : 07/25/2024 10:27 AM


Internal communication is a fundamental element in ensuring the smooth operation of a company under optimal working conditions. It allows for the sharing of information, strengthening of team cohesion, motivation of employees, and optimization of work processes.

To ensure smooth and effective internal communication within companies, it is important to choose the right tools. In this article, we will explore the various internal communication tools in companies, to help you choose those that best suit your needs. We will also emphasize the application "Imagina", which aims to create interaction among collaborators and energize internal communication.

Internal communication: a necessity for companies

Internal communication is at the heart of a company's success. Here are some tips to avoid a lack of communication in the company.

Internal communication is an essential element for a company, as it helps to create a climate of trust and collaboration among employees. Moreover, it allows for the transmission of the organization's values and culture, thus strengthening the brand identity and employee engagement.

The benefits of effective internal communication

Effective internal communication offers several advantages for organizations, including:

  • Improvement of productivity: By facilitating the flow of information and reducing communication barriers, employees can work more efficiently and in coordination
  • Reduction of conflicts and misunderstandings: Clear and transparent communication can prevent conflicts and misunderstandings among employees, fostering a healthy and harmonious work environment.
  • Increase in employee engagement: Employees who feel informed and involved are more likely to be committed to their work and remain loyal to the company.
  • Facilitation of decision-making: Effective internal communication allows for the rapid sharing of relevant information, facilitating informed and swift decision-making.

Traditional tools of internal communication

Internal communication is crucial for the effective functioning of a company, and it is important to have an adequate internal communication tool to allow employees to collaborate, communicate, and stay informed.

Among the most commonly used internal communication tools are:

Team Meetings

Team meetings are a very popular internal communication tool because they offer a platform to discuss important issues, solve problems, and make decisions collaboratively.

This tool allows employees to discuss important topics in depth, ask questions, clarify points, and find solutions in real-time. It also provides an opportunity for business leaders to communicate important messages and reinforce corporate culture.


Emails are another very popular internal communication tool because they are quick, efficient, and cost-effective. They offer a platform to share information or documents and communicate with employees in real-time.

However, it is important to note that emails can also be a source of information overload, which can make it difficult for employees to effectively process all the information they receive.

To maximize the use of emails as an internal communication tool, it is important to ensure they are clear, concise, and well-structured. Messages should be addressed to the concerned parties, and attachments should be clearly labeled.

It is also important to ensure that employees are not overwhelmed by unnecessary messages, which can be achieved by only including them in emails that directly concern them.

Notice Boards

Notice boards are another commonly used internal communication tool for sharing information, events, and important announcements within a company.

Notice boards are typically placed in highly visible locations, such as break rooms or hallways, and can be used to display calendars, schedules, company announcements, and important information for employees.

This internal communication tool provides a platform for conveying important messages to employees, but it is important to ensure that they are clear and well-organized. The information should be easily accessible and presented in a way that employees can quickly and easily understand.

Internal communication is a key element to be implemented for the proper functioning of a company, and it is important to have an appropriate tool to allow employees and suppliers to collaborate, communicate, and stay informed.

Traditional internal communication tools such as team meetings, emails, and notice boards are still widely used because they are effective, inexpensive, and easy to use.

However, it is crucial to use them wisely to maximize their effectiveness and avoid potential issues, such as information overload or wasted time.

Ultimately, companies must consider the needs of their employees and adapt their internal communication strategy accordingly to ensure their engagement and productivity within the project.

Essential digital tools to optimize internal communication

Internal communication plays a decisive role in the success of a company. The digital tools to be implemented offer new possibilities to facilitate and improve communication between teams within the company, promoting collaboration and productivity.

Indeed, a digital tool offers new possibilities to facilitate and improve internal communication:

An intranet

Centralize company information and resources. An intranet is an internal network that allows teams within a company to easily access company-specific information, documents, and resources.

The intranet contributes to the internal communication strategy by improving it and offering a centralized space for disseminating news, internal policies and procedures, as well as for sharing knowledge and document management.

The intranet also promotes employee engagement by allowing them to participate in discussion forums and give their opinions on various topics.

Moreover, an intranet facilitates collaboration between different teams and departments by promoting exchanges and the coordination of projects within the company.

Corporate social networks

Encourage exchanges and the development of collaboration. Corporate social networks, such as Yammer, Workplace, or Chatter, are platforms that allow sharing information, news, and ideas among the team, thus promoting exchanges and collaboration among people.

These platforms contribute to strengthening team well-being by offering a dedicated space for informal exchanges and collaboration. Employees can share their successes, ask questions, exchange ideas, and participate in discussions on common interest topics.

Instant messaging applications

Streamline real-time communication. Instant messaging applications, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Chat, facilitate real-time exchanges and group discussions, making communication faster and more efficient.

Instant messaging has become an essential tool for professional communications. They complement the corporate social network. Teams can communicate in real time and quickly exchange important information. This tool also helps reduce information overload by providing dedicated communication channels for different topics and projects.

Instant messaging is also very useful for communications with clients. Companies can offer faster and more efficient customer service by using instant messaging to answer questions and solve customer problems in real time. Moreover, it also allows for a better understanding of customer sentiment and adapting responses accordingly, which can improve overall customer satisfaction.

Project management platforms

Facilitate collaboration and communication among team members. Project management platforms, such as Trello, Asana, Basecamp, or Monday, allow tracking the progress of projects, assigning tasks, and sharing resources among team members.

These tools support the internal communication strategy by providing an overview of ongoing projects, deadlines, and individual responsibilities.

Teams can thus collaborate more effectively and ensure that goals are achieved within the set timeframes, facilitating collaboration and communication among team participants.

An internal communication tool plays a crucial role in improving and facilitating exchanges within a company. It contributes to strengthening collaboration among colleagues, stimulating innovation, and increasing productivity.

With the implementation of this tool, organizations can adapt to technological advancements and remain competitive in an ever-changing professional environment.

It is therefore essential for companies to invest in digital solutions that are tailored to their needs and to ensure their successful integration in order to fully benefit from their advantages.

Essential internal communication tools to optimize human resource management

Internal communication is an essential pillar to ensure good HR management within a company. Indeed, it allows for the necessary information to be conveyed, maintains a healthy climate, and promotes the professional development of employees.

What are the internal communication tools to implement?

Individual interviews

Open and constructive dialogue. Individual interviews are meetings organized between an employee and their hierarchical superior. They allow addressing topics such as professional objectives, achievements, and mutual expectations. These exchanges promote transparent and open communication, as well as the professional development of collaborators.

To maximize the effectiveness of these interviews, it is essential to schedule them regularly and create a climate of trust where everyone feels free to express themselves.

Performance evaluations

A tool for analysis and continuous improvement. Performance evaluation is a tool that allows measuring and analyzing employees' performances in terms of benefits, work quality, and goal achievement as a communication support. This tool also provides feedback and improvement opportunities for collaborators.

The stakes of these evaluations are usually carried out annually or semi-annually and are an excellent way for HR managers to identify each employee's strengths and areas for improvement while strengthening communication and motivation.

Online training

An effective way to develop skills and communication. Online training, or e-learning, has become essential as a communication support for disseminating knowledge and developing teams' skills within a company. These trainings not only allow for greater flexibility and efficiency but also promote communication among learners.

E-learning platforms often offer discussion and exchange spaces, allowing collaborators to share their experiences, questions, and successes. Moreover, these online trainings can be tailored to the specific needs of each employee, thus maximizing their impact on the overall performance of the company.

In summary, it is essential to adopt internal communication tools such as individual interviews, performance evaluations, and online training to strengthen your company's human resource management.

The stakes of information and internal communication are paramount for creating an environment conducive to your collaborators' success and your structure's growth.

By focusing on dialogue, monitoring achievements, and developing skills, you create an environment conducive to your collaborators' results and your structure's growth.

Thus, a communication tool, when properly implemented, allows building a strong and harmonious corporate culture while ensuring effective and transparent communication at all hierarchical levels.

Essential Internal Communication Tools for Management: How to Optimize Information Exchange with Teams

In the constantly evolving professional world, it's crucial for a company's management to optimize its internal communication tools to maintain a coherent and effective flow of information with employees. The goals of internal communication are essential for ensuring good coordination and the success of the company's objectives.

Here is a detailed overview of the main internal communication tools used by management to share relevant information with collaborators:

Internal newsletters

An effective means of sharing news and updates. Internal newsletters are indispensable internal communication tools for management. They allow for regular dissemination of news, important information, and updates about the company's life with all collaborators. They complement a company's social network.

These newsletters can cover topics such as recent successes, organizational changes, ongoing projects, and upcoming events. Thanks to their concise and informative format, newsletters facilitate the dissemination of relevant information and help maintain a high level of engagement among employees.

Management speeches and presentations

Opportunities to communicate the company's vision and objectives. Management speeches and presentations are essential internal communication tools for conveying the company's vision, objectives, and projects to employees.

These events can take the form of team meetings, conferences, or seminars, where management participants address the collaborators directly. By presenting the company's strategy, leaders can provide clear direction and motivate teams to work together towards the set goals.

Internal communication tools such as newsletters and management speeches and presentations are crucial for ensuring smooth and effective communication with collaborators.

They help strengthen the bonds between management and collaborators, improve understanding of the company's objectives, and promote a collaborative and motivating work environment. By investing in quality internal communication, management contributes to the success and growth of the company.

Imagina: The solution for energizing internal communication

Imagina is an application that revolutionizes internal communication within companies. It is a toolkit designed to facilitate exchanges in businesses, share among collaborators, and strengthen internal communication and the sense of belonging to the company.

This solution is tailored to meet the specific desires of companies, notably by offering an idea box, an internal social network (akin to an innovative intranet) to encourage innovation, strengthen the sense of belonging, and the creativity of employees, as well as a communication support to easily disseminate important queries to all employees. It provides a wide range of features that allow for effective management of internal communication.

Here are some of the features offered by Imagina:

  • A real-time discussion space to facilitate exchanges between employees.

One of the main features of Imagina is the real-time discussion space. This feature allows collaborators to easily communicate with each other, share ideas and information quickly, and solve problems swiftly. The real-time discussion space is particularly useful for teams working remotely or for teams spread across multiple sites.

  • Workgroups to collaborate effectively on specific projects.

Imagina also offers workgroups to collaborate effectively on specific projects. These workgroups allow team members to work together on specific projects and tasks, share ideas, documents, and resources easily, and collaborate in real time. This feature is particularly useful for projects involving multidisciplinary teams.

  • The ability to easily share documents and resources.

The ability to easily share documents and resources is also an important feature of Imagina. This feature allows employees to share documents and resources securely and make them accessible to all team members. This enables team members to quickly find the information they need and collaborate more effectively.

  • Analytical tools to measure engagement and team participation.

Finally, Imagina offers analytical tools to measure employee engagement and participation, including idea box participation. These analytical tools allow monitoring user activity, tracking their participation, and identifying the most active and engaged collaborators.

This information can be used to improve internal communication and encourage more active participation from employees.

By choosing Imagina for your company, here are some tips to avoid lack of communication in your company. You benefit from an all-in-one solution that meets the internal communication needs of your organization, conveys the company's values, and encourages interaction among collaborators.

Imagina is easy to use, customizable, and adapts to the specific desires of each company. By using Imagina, you can energize your internal communication and improve your company's efficiency.


🔎  Imagina internal communication application



Internal communication is a fundamental element for ensuring the smooth operation and success of a company. It helps maintain a harmonious work environment, facilitate exchanges between collaborators, and strengthen the bond between them. In this article, we presented various tools designed to improve communication within organizations.

However, it's important to highlight that these examples represent only a small part of the many solutions available on the market. Among them, the Imagina application developed in France stands out for its innovative features and its ability to stimulate interaction between collaborators.

Imagina: A comprehensive solution for dynamic and effective internal communication

By opting for the internal communication tool Imagina, you choose an all-in-one solution tailored to meet the specific needs of your company regarding internal communication. The Imagina solution brings together all the tools necessary for establishing constructive and smooth dialogue between your team members.

This intuitive and ergonomic platform facilitates information sharing, aids in collaboration on common projects, and manages daily tasks, thus contributing to better organization and efficiency within your company without the constraint of rigid hierarchy.

With the Imagina communication tool, you can also gather employees' sentiments to improve their work experience. In short, it is the quintessential internal communication tool!


🔎  Imagina internal communication tool 


Investing in team cohesion and collaboration with Imagina

By choosing Imagina, you're investing not only in a high-performance internal communication solution but also in a tool that promotes employee well-being and offers quality services to strengthen the bond between them.

Indeed, the Imagina application integrates features specifically designed to encourage sharing among collaborators and develop a strong team spirit in companies. Employees are thus more inclined to share their ideas, help each other, and work together towards the company's common goal.

FAQ on internal communication tools

What is internal communication?

Internal communication refers to the exchange of work-related information, ideas, resources, and benefits among the collaborators of a company.

Why is internal communication important for companies?

It helps improve productivity, consistency among collaborators, employee engagement, and facilitates decision-making and optimization of available resources.

What are the traditional tools of internal communication?

Traditional tools include team meetings, an intranet, emails, notice boards, and various communication means provided to collaborators. All to answer the famous search: internal communication tool company.

What are the digital tools of internal communication?

Among the digital tools, there are intranets, corporate social networks, instant messaging applications, project management platforms, and solutions facilitating remote work, offering numerous advantages.

Why choose the Imagina application for internal communication?

Imagina is an all-in-one solution that brings together all the tools and services necessary to facilitate exchanges between collaborators (e.g., opinion way), promote collaboration, and strengthen team cohesion.

It allows creating interaction among employees and improving internal communication in your company in addition to the intranet or corporate social network.


Arthur Josset

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