What do you want to do?
(Event organizer, communications team, organization or structure manager, elected...)
(Get a ticket, register for an event, download or connect to the application...)
Mobile app • Features • Connected company • Digital resource management
Simplify your company's daily operations with the Imagina mobile application.
Consolidate all your documentation and data into a single tool and allow your employees to access it from their smartphones or computers at any time.
A 100% Made in France application that is suitable for all companies and all devices, downloadable on Android and iOS, but also accessible from the web application.
Customize the application with your company's colors, and adapt and modify the content at any time, with no storage limits.
From a wide range of features, create and manage your information in the way that best suits your organization.
Set up your space by creating exchanges within your team using news feed modules, questionnaires, or messaging.
Organize your workplace by managing your various spaces and materials. Prepare for meetings by reserving available rooms and reserving equipment for the meeting using the stock management tool.
Facilitate the organization of internal and external events. Broadcast the program, describe the schedule for the day, the times, and locations of the events.
Prepare registrations using a form to obtain maximum information before the event. Export participants and their needs from a CSV or Excel file.
Thanks to a dedicated project manager, you will be accompanied throughout the implementation of the application for your company. At any time, contact them even after the launch of the application.
Located in our offices in France, your project manager is available from their email address and direct phone line to advise and assist you in organizing this project.
1 million+ users and 1000+ international customers
Our solution's advantages
Endless features
accessible on any device
Compliant with
100% Made
in France
From our wide range of features, choose the ones you want to implement for your structure.
Personalize the application with your company's colors. Add your logo and banner.
With the help of your project manager, transmit all the elements you want to add to the application, and they will directly integrate the information.
Once the application is published, bring new information or make modifications as often as desired. Contact your project manager whenever needed.
It is a digital tool to improve internal management and communication within your company.
In short, it involves involving your employees in the life of the company through reliable and easy-to-use features such as personalized agendas, push notifications, an interactive map, instant messaging, video transcription, internal games, video conference calls, and team file sharing.
These tools are available on Android, iOS, and desktop, all in one software. Its benefits are numerous, and employee productivity is improved.
A project manager will accompany you throughout the process and answer your questions and concerns. It's a secure and human adventure. A device that you will appreciate! feature.smart-office.mobile.application.answer.1.2
Yes, there is no limit to the storage space.
The data that you decide to put on the software's cloud cannot be deleted due to lack of space.
It's up to you to introduce useful files and documents to the storage space. The use of this data is then to be defined. They are often made available to employees to improve internal communication.
The services of Smart Office are numerous, but very easy to use. The ability to find documents online, like a cloud, greatly facilitates work life.
The Smart Office experience cannot disappoint you! feature.smart-office.mobile.application.answer.2.2
Absolutely, viewing PDF and office files is possible.
Whether in real-time or deferred, documents are saved on the app.
A to-do list, a group of emails to be sent, ideas for improving the company... everything can be managed by Smart Office.
It is a comprehensive and easy-to-use tool. Collaboration becomes easy, and users use it regularly. The intranet then offers practical solutions, and it is a good strategy to improve internal communication.
Of course!
Instant messaging is the ideal solution for internal communication at work. Smartoffice is the screen for everything that happens within the company.
Managing spaces, such as offices, rooms or equipment, is child's play with the online booking tool. The team can send files, images live via instant messaging. An interactive map brings together all the internal space of the building. Reports can be made directly on smart office, by choosing the appropriate category, the solution is quickly found...
On the internet, the number of applications is exploding, and it is difficult to choose what suits us best.
With the smart office from Imagina, there is no longer a choice to be made, all the tools are gathered on the same server.
Employees must be able to communicate easily with the smart office. The tools offered make this possible. Like Slack, instant messaging is ideal for employees to discuss in real time, exchanges are fluid. During meetings, calls can accompany the appointment.
Users have the possibility to create a group composed of certain collaborators, by department for example, in order to optimize exchanges.
To exchange on tasks to be performed, or the progress of meetings, there is no longer any need to send emails or use several applications. The advantages of Imagina are that the platform brings together all the necessary tools to improve the internal communication of your company. Your employees are equipped with useful, practical functions, collaboration can only be better.
The strategy of Imagina's tools is simple, to make your internal communication effective and efficient. As a director, you have a global view of all the useful information in your company!
Certainly, smartoffice is a complete office and it offers solutions to all problems.
Managing workspaces, such as booking meeting rooms or offices, is part of the tools at your disposal.
Your screen becomes the reflection of all possible reservations in your company. From the conference room to the building to accommodate many people, Imagina's device will know how to organize their management.
Collaborators have access to data in real time, like a giant cloud, they can make online reservations for rooms themselves. You have a precise view of reserved offices. Ensure the productivity of your employees, while making their work life easier with all the services offered by Imagina.
A real scheduling management allows optimizing everyone's working time. If the internet is full of planning and reservation software, Imagina is innovative thanks to its versatility and the experience it can bring you!
Yes, it is entirely possible.
The accessibility of the app is very important. The internal communication tool must be available on all platforms, on a computer with the web app, and on a smartphone, even a personal one.
To ensure good communication within the company, it must be facilitated, and the personal phone can be an excellent tool to achieve this. The professional smartphone is not mandatory, and many companies do not offer it. However, one must be reachable throughout the day.
During breaks or moments of relaxation, an emergency may need to be transmitted to the concerned employee. The idea is not to harass the employee, but to be able to contact them at any time for legitimate reasons related to the smooth running of projects.
A tool offering various possibilities and available on Android, iOS, and the web app on Google. Internal communication will naturally be improved, and your employees will thank you!
Of course, it is a 100% secure internal communication platform.
The offer proposed by Imagina is reliable. An economical solution, as the app is customizable according to your desires, but far from the idea of ​​having to pay for an entire software design.
Private chat, meeting calls, or exchanges on the news feed are confidential. Only authorized employees can access them. Most of the time, all employees will have access.
An external party cannot access the company's smart office, even remotely.
The data collected by Imagina is based on a secure and confidential server. Employees are equipped with powerful tools. Your ideas can be in collaboration with our digital tool.
Do you have any doubts? Any questions? Our French experts are always available to answer all your questions. Go for it, you won't be disappointed!
Imagina is a desktop that offers a perfect view of all your company's data.
Manage your papers, insert PDFs, report internal issues, chat in real-time, book meeting rooms... Imagina's smart office is comprehensive, and its server is secure.
The software offered by Microsoft does not encourage local economy, Imagina is French, with its location in France. Its experts are available to support you. If you are looking for efficiency, security, and proximity, you are in the right place!
Choose your tools from the largest library of features with pricing tailored to your project.
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