
Understanding Online Conference Platforms

Last modification : 06/14/2024 11:16 AM


Online conference tools, such as branded registration pages and live streaming capabilities, have transformed the way we connect and exchange information. This piece will explore these platforms, detailing their rise, their varied event types, and the notable platforms of 2023.

Virtual lobbies and interactive tools, essential for connecting attendees at both single events or larger virtual trade shows, are some of their key features. Virtual happy hours, alongside various interactive and networking features, bolster attendee engagement and encourage dynamic exchanges.

Event organisers and event planners utilise these platforms to facilitate both in-person and digital events. They can offer free events or on-demand events and extend their reach via social media platforms. With video chat options and advanced security features, these platforms ensure secure and effective communication.

A dedicated project manager can extract detailed analytics and event data, providing insightful event insights, which are invaluable for future planning. This guide will offer advice on choosing the right platform, highlighting the importance of networking features, interactive features, and tools to encourage attendee engagement.

In essence, whether for traditional trade shows or innovative digital events, these platforms offer a comprehensive package for any event planner, and this piece will delve into their multifaceted benefits and capabilities.

The Emergence of Online Conference Platforms

The Impact of Globalisation

Globalisation has significantly impacted how businesses operate, with teams spread across different geographical locations. This dispersion necessitated a reliable and efficient communication medium, leading to the rise of online conference platforms.

The Role of Technological Advancements

The technological advancements, particularly in the field of internet connectivity and multimedia technology, have been instrumental in the development of sophisticated and user-friendly online conference platforms.

The Rise of Virtual Conference Platforms

The Impact of Globalisation

Globalisation has substantially changed the way businesses function, with teams based in varying geographical areas. This scattering has made it imperative to find a reliable and effective way to connect attendees, leading to the emergence of top virtual conference platforms.

The Influence of Technological Progress

Advancements in technology, especially in internet connectivity and multimedia tech, have been crucial in the evolution of these sophisticated, user-friendly virtual conference platforms.

The best virtual conference platform should ideally offer a variety of features such as a virtual lobby, live streaming capabilities, video calls, and the ability to host both single event and multiple events.

The selection of the right virtual event software greatly depends on the event type, be it trade shows, networking events, or other more specialised gatherings.

Virtual event platforms provide detailed analytics, enabling event organizers to gain insightful data for planning future events. The application of this data ranges from predicting attendee networking preferences to choosing the right physical event to supplement their virtual conference.

Another important aspect is the inclusion of virtual exhibitor booths, offering companies a chance to showcase their products or services during live events or pre recorded online events.

These virtual booths can be customized with virtual backdrops to reflect the brand's identity. Event hosts can also create virtual booths, adding to the immersive experience of the virtual events platform.

The event organizer has the responsibility to ensure audience engagement, facilitated by the platform's breakout rooms for more intimate conversations and breakout sessions. These features, combined with solid customer support from the video conferencing platform provider, can ensure a seamless experience for all participants.

Lastly, compared to physical events or in-person meetings, affordable virtual conference platforms bring an added advantage. Not only do they offer the flexibility to cater to different event formats, but they also present registration forms and other supportive tools that simplify the process for both the organizers and the attendees.

Consequently, the success of a virtual conference depends on choosing the best amongst other virtual event platforms available, factoring in the specific needs and resources of the event hosts.

The Core Components of the Best Virtual Conference Platforms

Live Streaming

A key feature of the best virtual conference platforms is live streaming, enabling users to experience an online event as if they were participating in person.

This facilitates face-to-face interactions, transforming a single event into a universally accessible meeting, regardless of attendees' geographical locations.

Interactive Facilities

Best virtual event platforms come loaded with a multitude of interactive tools, such as document sharing, real-time editing, and chat options, enhancing audience engagement.

These features are particularly crucial during networking events and breakout sessions in the virtual conference.

Screen Broadcasting

The best virtual conference software offers desktop sharing functionality. This is an indispensable tool for presenting or demonstrating, allowing attendees in breakout rooms to share their view with others during a virtual event.

Bespoke Branding

Virtual conferencing platform often provide the option to tailor the interface to align with the branding of the business or event.

This could include customisable registration forms, enhancing the customer support experience by providing a cohesive brand presence across all aspects of the virtual and hybrid events.

While all virtual conference platforms facilitate online events, the best virtual conference platform ensures a seamless experience from registration through to the live streaming of breakout sessions.

Regardless of whether the focus is on in-person events, hybrid events, or solely virtual conferences, the choice of virtual conference software can significantly influence the level of audience engagement and the overall success of the event.

The Merits of Utilising Best Virtual Event Platform

In Person Versatility

A paramount advantage of the best virtual conference platform is that it provides the opportunity for teams or individuals to connect and collaborate, regardless of their global location. This in person flexibility, a feature of the virtual conference platform, is a significant game changer.

Economic Viability

These virtual conference platforms reduce the necessity for travel and accommodation expenditures tied to in person events, emphasising their cost-effectiveness.

This aspect, bolstered by superb customer support, is one of the main attractions of the best virtual conference platforms.

Augmented Participation

As an added benefit, virtual conferences, managed through the best virtual conference platform, are more accessible and convenient. Thus, they often record higher attendance rates compared to traditional meetings.

The customer support offered by these virtual conference platforms is vital in facilitating these virtual events, providing solutions to potential difficulties users may encounter during their online event.

Breakout rooms, a unique feature of the best virtual conference platforms, aid in fostering an interactive and engaging environment.

Moreover, the customer support team of these virtual conference platforms plays a crucial role in providing seamless virtual events.

An online events customer support team works relentlessly to ensure that the virtual conferences run smoothly. This ensures that everyone, from attendees to organisers, have a smooth experience with these virtual conference platforms.

Furthering the experience are hybrid events, which blend the best aspects of both in person events and virtual conferences, providing a unique and satisfying event experience. The best virtual conference is often seen in these hybrid events, providing a seamless fusion of both worlds.

In addition, the concept of hybrid events, backed by robust customer support, has elevated the virtual event platform to a whole new level. These platforms not only support online events but also virtual and hybrid events, expanding the possibilities for organisers and participants alike.

Through the effective use of virtual conference software, virtual events are becoming the preferred option for many.

With platforms offering everything from the best virtual conference to breakout rooms, the customer support provided by these virtual conference platforms is crucial for their success.

This approach promotes the best virtual conference experience possible. Whether it's through the best virtual conference platforms for pure virtual events or hybrid events, customer support is paramount.

From the initial setup of a virtual conference platform to troubleshooting during the virtual event, customer support is essential.

These best virtual conference platforms are becoming an increasingly popular choice for many organisations.

They offer a variety of options, including the capability to host online events, virtual conferences, and even hybrid events.

Their customer support ensures that every virtual event is a success, and they continue to prove their worth in today's digitally-focused society.

Popular Online Conference Platforms in 2023


Zoom is a versatile online meeting platform known for its ease of use and extensive feature set.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams integrates with the broader Microsoft suite, making it a great choice for businesses using Microsoft products.

Cisco Webex

Cisco Webex is favoured by many enterprises for its robust security features and smooth performance.

Google Meet

Google Meet is appreciated for its seamless integration with Google Workspace and its simplicity.


Slack isn't just a communication tool; it also supports video conferencing, making it a preferred choice for teams that want an all-in-one collaboration tool.


BlueJeans provides enterprise-grade video conferencing features with a focus on maintaining high-quality audio and video.

Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect is a comprehensive solution for digital marketing events, virtual classrooms, and webinars, offering customizable meeting rooms and breakout sessions.


GoToMeeting offers reliable and professional video conferencing tools that are easy to set up and manage, suitable for businesses of all sizes.

RingCentral Video

RingCentral Video is a part of the larger RingCentral ecosystem, providing high-quality video conferencing and integrating smoothly with its unified communication solutions.

Jitsi Meet

Jitsi Meet is an open-source platform that gives users the freedom to customize and adjust the platform as per their requirements, while still maintaining solid video conferencing capabilities.

Zoho Meeting

Zoho Meeting is a browser-based online meeting and webinar solution, integrated into the larger Zoho suite of software tools. It's ideal for businesses already using Zoho for CRM, email, etc.


Join.me is a user-friendly platform with an intuitive interface, making it an ideal choice for small teams and businesses.

Amazon Chime

Amazon Chime, a service from Amazon Web Services (AWS), is designed for high-quality video conferencing, with features such as virtual backgrounds and desktop sharing.


Eyeson offers a cloud-based video conferencing solution, with an emphasis on managing online meetings efficiently, thanks to features like presentation streaming and snapshot creation.


Livestorm is a browser-based video communication platform, providing webinar software with powerful analytics tools, audience segmentation, and CRM integrations.

It's ideal for hosting large-scale online events.

Selecting the Appropriate Virtual Conference Platform

Choosing the proper virtual conference platform depends on your unique needs such as the size of your team, the level of security needed, and the types of collaborative tools required.

With the rise of online conferences, virtual events have become more prevalent.

A virtual event can offer varying levels of security and a range of collaboration tools. So, when choosing a virtual event, your specific requirements must be at the forefront.

A larger team may necessitate a more robust virtual event platform, while a smaller team might do well with a simpler platform.

In the world of virtual events, security is paramount. Selecting a virtual event with robust security measures is integral to the success of your online conferences. Furthermore, choosing the right virtual conference platform can help provide the level of security your team requires.

Lastly, collaborative tools are vital in any virtual event. With the right virtual event platform, these tools can be effectively utilized to enhance team collaboration in the virtual events.

In conclusion, to select the most fitting virtual conference platform for your online conferences, consider the size of your team, the level of security required, and the types of collaboration tools needed.

This will ensure that your virtual events run smoothly and efficiently, reflecting positively on your overall management of these virtual events.

The Future of Virtual Event Platforms

With continuous advancements in technology, the future of online conference platforms looks promising, with more features and better user experience on the horizon.

Introduction of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

One of the key advancements in the future of online conference platforms will likely involve the integration of VR and AR technologies.

This could involve participants joining meetings in a fully immersive 3D environment, enhancing the feeling of 'being there' and improving overall engagement.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) could be utilized to create more intuitive and user-friendly platforms.

These technologies can help in meeting scheduling, participant management, speech-to-text transcription, real-time translation, sentiment analysis, and automatic meeting summarization.

The AI could also predict and mitigate any technical issues before they disrupt the meeting.

Improved Accessibility:

Future online conference platforms will continue to improve their accessibility features, ensuring that people with all types of abilities can use these tools effectively.

This could include better closed captioning, transcription services, and voice-command features.

Advanced Security Measures:

As more and more sensitive information is shared on online platforms, it becomes essential to improve security measures.

End-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and biometric verification could become standard features on these platforms to ensure confidentiality and security.

Better User Experience:

As competition increases among platforms, companies will need to focus on providing a better user experience.

This could include a more intuitive interface, better video and audio quality, smoother transitions between speakers, and easier ways to share and annotate content.


With a plethora of online conference platforms available, interoperability will become more important.

This means that these platforms will need to work seamlessly together, allowing users to join a meeting on one platform from another without any issues.

Environment-Friendly Features:

As society becomes more conscious of its environmental impact, online conference platforms might introduce features that highlight the environmental savings of virtual meetings compared to in-person meetings.

This could be displayed in terms of saved travel emissions, energy use, etc.

24/7 Virtual Offices:

Considering the rise in remote working, online conference platforms could evolve into 24/7 virtual offices.

These platforms could allow teams to work, collaborate, and communicate as if they were in the same physical space, leading to improved productivity and team bonding.

Customization and Personalization:

Future platforms could offer more customization options for users to make their virtual meeting spaces unique and more personal.

This could involve choosing virtual backgrounds, selecting different avatars, and having more control over how the meeting space is set up.

Network Improvements:

With the rollout of 5G and potentially even 6G, video conferencing can become much more stable, reducing the frequency of connection problems or quality drops.

The increased speed and capacity of these networks could allow for higher quality video and audio, making virtual communication as clear and seamless as possible.

In conclusion, the future of online conference platforms is bright and promising, with a focus on user experience, technological integration, and adaptability to changing work environments.


The advent of the digital era has brought along various technological innovations that have significantly reshaped our way of life.

One such example is the rise of online conference platforms, which have swiftly cemented their position as an indispensable tool in our professional repertoire.

These platforms have not only bridged geographical gaps, but also reinvented the very core of how businesses operate and communicate, especially in a world that has been increasingly shifting towards remote work.

The use of these platforms has revolutionized the concept of meetings, seminars, workshops, and other forms of professional gatherings.

Online conference platforms have enabled professionals from different parts of the globe to connect and collaborate in real-time, without the constraints of physical boundaries.

They've dramatically reduced travel costs and time, making it possible for even small businesses to reach out to global talent and expertise.

Moreover, the evolution of these platforms has accelerated in recent years, largely driven by continuous technological advancements and an ever-growing demand for more efficient and effective ways of remote communication.

They now come equipped with advanced features such as desktop sharing, real-time transcription, interactive polling, and multi-language support, among others, to cater to diverse needs and make virtual collaboration more interactive and engaging.

As these online conference platforms continue to evolve, they hold the promise of making remote communication and collaboration even more efficient and effective. Enhanced features such as virtual reality integration, advanced AI assistance, and better data security are on the horizon.

With these advancements, online conference platforms are poised to offer a more immersive and secure experience, making them an even more integral part of our professional lives.

In conclusion, the transformative impact of online conference platforms on the professional landscape is undeniable. Their potential for further evolution and enhancement will continue to redefine the ways in which businesses communicate and collaborate.

These platforms offer a glimpse into the future of work, a future that embraces flexibility, inclusivity, and efficiency, making our professional lives more interconnected than ever before.


1. What is an online conference platform?

An online conference platform is a digital tool that serves as a virtual meeting space, enabling individuals or groups to connect, communicate, and collaborate remotely. It's essentially a modern solution that leverages internet technology to bring people together, regardless of geographical distances.

These platforms offer a suite of features designed to simulate the experience of in-person meetings as closely as possible. For example, they often allow for both audio and video communication, enabling participants to interact more personally and effectively than traditional text-based communication allows.

Online conference platforms also typically offer capabilities for sharing visual content. This might include desktop sharing options, which allow one participant to present their screen to others, and whiteboard functionalities, which enable interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions. These features allow for demonstrations, presentations, and collaborative work, much like what would be possible in a physical meeting or conference room.

Furthermore, these platforms often include tools for moderating and controlling meetings. For instance, hosts might have the ability to mute participants, control who can share their screen, or manage who has access to the meeting. Some platforms even offer options for breakout sessions, where larger meetings can be split into smaller groups for more focused discussions.

Additionally, many online conference platforms support larger events such as webinars and virtual conferences. They may include features like a 'raise hand' option for audience participation, polling and survey capabilities for instant feedback, and options for recording sessions for later review or for those who couldn't attend live.

Overall, an online conference platform is a comprehensive tool that facilitates virtual interaction and collaboration, offering an alternative to physical meetings. It serves as a critical resource in today's digital age, where remote work and online education have become commonplace. Whether for a small team meeting, a large corporate seminar, or an international conference, these platforms provide the necessary functionality to conduct productive and effective meetings in a virtual format.

2. What features should I look for in an online conference platform?

When selecting an online conference platform, it is crucial to consider the specific requirements of your use case. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the key features you should look for:

a. Video Conferencing: High-quality video conferencing is a must-have feature. It allows participants to engage face-to-face, which often leads to more effective communication. Look for platforms that offer HD video and high-fidelity audio to ensure a clear and uninterrupted experience.

b. Collaborative Tools: These include features like whiteboards, document collaboration, and co-annotation, which allow participants to work together on tasks in real time. This is particularly useful for brainstorming sessions, workshops, or when working on collaborative projects.

c. Desktop Sharing: The ability to share one's screen is essential for presentations and demonstrations. Desktopsharing allows you to effectively convey information that would be difficult to explain using words alone.

d. Customizability: A platform that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization is beneficial. Customizability might include options like branding the platform with your company’s logo and colors, integrating it with other tools you already use, or even building in specific workflow processes.

e. Security: This is a critical feature, especially when sensitive information is being discussed. Ensure that the platform you choose has robust security measures in place, such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and options to control who has access to the meetings.

f. Mobile Accessibility: The ability to join a meeting from a mobile device can be extremely valuable, especially for those who are often on the go. Look for platforms that offer responsive mobile applications or mobile-optimized web interfaces.

g. Recording and Transcription: The ability to record meetings can be helpful for future reference or for sharing with individuals who could not attend. Automated transcription services can also be valuable for creating records of what was discussed.

h. Integration with Other Tools: If your team already uses tools like calendars, project management software, or communication apps, you’ll want to choose a platform that can integrate with these. This can streamline your workflow and make the platform more effective as part of your overall communication strategy.

i. Interactive Elements: Features such as polls, Q&A sessions, and audience reactions can make conferences more engaging and interactive. These elements can foster audience participation and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute.

j. Technical Support and Reliability: Lastly, it's important to choose a platform that is reliable and offers support in case of technical issues. Check for customer reviews regarding uptime and the quality of customer support.

In summary, the ideal online conference platform should not only facilitate communication but also augment collaboration, security, and customization according to your specific needs. It is advisable to explore and trial multiple platforms before settling on the one that best suits your requirements.

3. What are the benefits of using online conference platforms?

Online conference platforms bring an array of benefits, enabling new ways of interaction and collaboration, particularly in the professional sphere.

a. Geographical Flexibility: One of the most significant benefits is the ability to connect individuals or groups across vast geographical distances. This eliminates the need for travel, allows for a more flexible meeting schedule, and makes it easier to include participants who might otherwise be unable to attend due to location constraints.

b. Cost-Effectiveness: By removing the need for travel, online conference platforms can dramatically reduce the costs associated with meetings and conferences. This includes not only travel costs, but also expenses related to accommodation, venue hire, catering, and more.

c. Higher Attendance Rates: Because of the convenience and flexibility they offer, online conference platforms can often lead to higher attendance rates for meetings and events. Participants can join from the comfort of their own home or office, reducing the barriers to attendance.

d. Enhanced Collaboration: Online conference platforms often include features that enhance collaboration, such as screen sharing, interactive whiteboards, and document collaboration. These tools can make meetings more engaging and productive.

e. Recording Capabilities: Most platforms provide the ability to record meetings, making it easy to refer back to discussions or share them with individuals who could not attend.

4. How do I choose the right online conference platform?

Selecting the right online conference platform involves evaluating your specific requirements and matching them with the features and capabilities of different platforms.

a. Size of Your Team: If you are part of a large organization, you'll need a platform that can handle large meetings and provide stability and good video quality regardless of the number of participants.

b. Level of Security Required: If your meetings often involve sensitive information, look for platforms with robust security measures, such as end-to-end encryption and strong access controls.

c. Types of Collaborative Tools Needed: Evaluate the types of tools your team needs to collaborate effectively. This could include screen sharing, document collaboration, interactive whiteboards, or other features.

d. Integration with Existing Tools: If your team already uses certain tools for tasks like scheduling or project management, choose a platform that can integrate seamlessly with these.

e. Budget: Consider the cost of the platform and whether it fits within your budget. Remember to take into account not only the upfront cost, but also any ongoing subscription fees.

5. What is the future of online conference platforms?

The future of online conference platforms is expected to be bright and transformative, driven by continual technological advancements.

a. More Features: As technology continues to evolve, these platforms are likely to incorporate more advanced features. This could include improved video and audio quality, better collaborative tools, and more effective ways to manage and moderate meetings.

b. Improved User Experience: Future platforms are likely to place a strong focus on improving user experience. This could include more intuitive interfaces, better accessibility options, and smoother integration with other tools.

c. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): As VR and AR technologies continue to mature, they could start to play a bigger role in online conferencing. This could allow for even more immersive and interactive meeting experiences.

d. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI could be used to enhance online conferencing in various ways, such as automating meeting scheduling, providing real-time transcription and translation, and even analyzing meetings to provide insights into team dynamics and effectiveness.

e. Increased Security: As cyber threats continue to evolve, future platforms will need to place a strong emphasis on security. This could include more advanced encryption methods, stronger access controls, and better ways to detect and respond to threats.


Pauline Ramier

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