
How do I organize an online event?

Last modification : 07/22/2024 03:01 PM


Organizing virtual events has become a must for companies and associations, especially since the pandemic has turned the way we work and interact upside down. Setting up online conferences, webinars and distance learning courses is now commonplace, and contributes to professional well-being by offering remote training and networking opportunities.

In this article, we'll give you all the keys to making a success of your virtual event with Imagina, an all-in-one tool for creating online events.

Choosing a platform for your virtual events

Selection criteria

To choose the best platform for your online event, consider the following criteria:

Ease of use

Hosting capacity

Available features


The main platforms

The main platforms for broadcasting events online include :


Microsoft Teams

Google Meet


Introducing Imagina

Imagina is an all-in-one web and mobile application for creating, organizing and hosting online events. With a host of features including registration management, live streaming, interactive chat and breakout sessions, Imagina offers a complete, customizable experience for your virtual events. Imagina's intuitive, user-friendly interface enables organizers to tailor events to the specific needs of their audience.

Plan the event

Set the objectives

Start by defining the objectives of your project: information, training, entertainment, networking and so on. This will help you focus your program and choose the right speakers.

Determine the budget

Draw up a provisional budget for your event, taking into account the costs of the Imagina application, promotion, speakers and any technical expenses. It's also a good idea to include a margin for unforeseen expenses.

Don't forget that investing in a well-organized and promoted virtual event can generate an excellent return in terms of brand awareness, customer loyalty and business development.

Selecting speakers

Choose speakers who are relevant and interesting to your audience, paying particular attention to their ability to answer questions, express themselves online and interact with people.

Promoting the event

Use the distribution and communication tools offered by the Imagina application to reach a wide audience and promote the benefits and possibilities of your virtual events.

To ensure the success of your event, schedule a regular meeting to share ideas and information with your target audience.

Social networking

Use social networks to promote your event. Create engaging posts and encourage interested parties to register for the virtual event via the Imagina app.

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is a key tool for promoting an event by leveraging technology to reach a targeted group of prospects and customers. Send e-mail invitations to your contact list and encourage them to share the information with their own networks.


Establish partnerships with other organizations or influencers to increase the visibility of your virtual event.

Technical preparation

Connection tests

With a test run, make sure that all members of the organizing team have a stable Internet connection, and the right equipment and hardware to use Imagina.

The dress rehearsal

Organize a dress rehearsal meeting with the entire Imagina team before the event to check that the application is running smoothly and to finalize any technical details.

The big day

Welcoming participants

Welcome participants as soon as they arrive on Imagina, and provide them with live updates on the event.

Moderating messaging

Appoint a moderator to manage live questions and comments from participants during the event via Imagina's interactive messaging system.

Technical follow-up

Follow up with technical experts during the event to quickly resolve any connection or sound problems on the Imagina platform.

In a direct contact channel between organizers, participants and the technical team. This will enable everyone to quickly report problems and receive the help they need.

Post-event follow-up

Feedback analysis

Take advantage of the Imagina application to collect specific feedback on various aspects of the event, such as technical support, content, relevance of topics and general organization. Gather feedback and ideas from participants and speakers to assess the success of your virtual event and identify areas for improvement.

Resource sharing

Share presentations, video recordings and event-related documents with participants and interested parties who were unable to attend, directly on the Imagina app. By making materials available to a large number of people, you encourage interaction, questions and discussions on the different types of topics covered at the event. This creates an engaged community and extends the impact of your event far beyond its closing date.


Organizing your online events with Imagina requires rigorous preparation and a good command of digital tools, enabling you to run a conference, webinar or online course smoothly and professionally. By following these steps and tips, you'll create an engaging and enriching experience for participants, while leveraging the communication strategy, expertise and resources available to ensure the success of your online event. Take advantage of the benefits of innovation to create innovative and captivating events that will engage and inform your audience, even remotely.


Is Imagina suitable for all types of online events?

Imagina is suitable for a wide variety of online events, such as conferences, training courses, workshops, webinars and seminars. Thanks to its many features, you can customize the experience to suit your needs and those of your audience.

How much does it cost to use Imagina to organize an online event?

The cost of using Imagina depends on the number of participants, the length of the event and the features you choose. We recommend that you consult the Imagina website to find out about the different offers and choose the solution that best suits your event.

How can I guarantee data security for an Imagina online event?

Imagina implements security measures to protect user and participant data, such as communication encryption, two-factor authentication and strict privacy policies. In addition, Imagina complies with applicable data protection regulations, such as the RGPD in Europe, by implementing adequate privacy policies and ensuring secure processing of personal data. It's also important to educate attendees and speakers on good online security practices.

Is it possible to organize multilingual online events with Imagina?

Yes, Imagina allows you to organize multilingual virtual events by integrating translation and simultaneous interpretation services.

To do this, take into account the linguistic needs of your company and your audience. Invest in translation and interpreting skills and tools for your conferences, webinars and more. This will enable your event to reach a wider target audience by offering content that is accessible to an international audience, and create an inclusive experience for everyone.

How can I optimize participant engagement at Imagina virtual events?

To optimize participant engagement at virtual events, encourage interaction with other participants by integrating a workshop, games and advice sessions into the event. Offer interactive breakout sessions, polls and discussion forums on Imagina. Plan face-to-face meetings to encourage exchanges and questions between participants and speakers. Use an interactive button to facilitate communication and encourage everyone to get actively involved throughout the event.


Arthur Josset

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