
Ticketing software: free vs. paid solutions

Last modification : 05/13/2024 04:05 PM


Event management has evolved greatly with the digital era, particularly with the introduction of ticketing platforms. However, the question arises: which type of solution is best suited for your organizer account, free or paid?

Understanding Online Ticketing Software

An online ticketing software is an online platform that helps organizations sell tickets, manage registrations, and organize events. This turnkey system, like VBO Tickets, provides access to a complete range of features, from user data management to payment module installation. There are both free, self-service solutions and paid solutions, each category having its advantages and disadvantages.

In France, for example, online ticketing has become an essential tool for a multitude of events such as trade shows, festivals, seminars, and theaters. This is due to the ease of managing registrations and payments that it offers.

These online ticketing websites, as the project manager of your event, allow you to benefit from an optimized service. Moreover, with proper training, you can customize the platform to meet the specific needs of your event domain. The multiple channels for ticket sales are also a significant asset.

Advantages of Free Online Ticketing Software Solutions

Free online ticketing software solutions are often an excellent option for small events or those starting in the event organization field. In France, for example, organizations such as trade shows, museums, or circus attractions can benefit from these platforms.

Cost savings of the software

The advantages of free solutions, such as free online ticketing software, mainly lie in cost savings. The most obvious feature of free online ticketing software is that it doesn't cost anything. For small event organizers, this no-cost ticketing solution can be crucial. Registering for an account on a ticketing software is generally simple, with minimal required data.

Ease of software use

Ease of use is another major advantage of these ticketing solutions. Free software is often simpler and easier to use than their paid counterparts, as they generally have fewer features. These ticketing software solutions offer a self-service option that allows for autonomous management of ticket sales, registrations, and payments.

One example of these ticketing platforms is "VBO Tickets." With its experimentation and quality customer service, this ticketing software solution offers various services such as rate management, credit card issuance, and cash register management. The data collected by this software can be used to obtain valuable insights into customer behavior and optimize future events.

These ticketing software platforms often provide user training to help them make the most of the available solution. By benefiting from this training, organizers can increase their sales and improve their customers' experience. These ticketing software solutions integrate various sales channels, including the internet and email, allowing planners to reach a wider audience through this comprehensive solution.

Disadvantages of Free Online Ticketing Software Solutions

Limitations of software features

The renowned SaaS ticketing platform in France facilitates the management of large-scale events. However, using a free ticketing software can bring limitations to our platform's features. The options available for this ticketing solution are generally fewer than in a paid account, sometimes making the management of conferences, festivals, or seminars more complicated.

Why is that? For example, with a free ticketing software, access to all user data is not always possible. This data, collected by the software, is often essential for trade show or festival organizers who want to understand their participants. Additionally, fundraising or self-service modules offered by the ticketing software may not be included in the free package. In terms of payments, certain credit cards may not be accepted, and the ticket rates managed by the software may be less flexible.

These inherent limitations of a free ticketing solution can pose challenges, especially when selling tickets for shows or other events. Furthermore, access to self-service, crucial for point-of-sale sales, may be restricted by

the ticketing software. For example, the online payment module may not offer all the payment options available in the paid version of the software on websites.

Limited technical support of the software

The technical support provided with our free ticketing software is generally limited. This can be problematic when organizing a festival or seminar in France, for example. If you encounter a technical difficulty on our ticketing platform, our French support channels may not be immediately available.

It is important to note that the data collected by the ticketing software is essential to ensure a good user experience. In case of a breakdown, resorting to technical support may be necessary, but users of the free ticketing software may encounter limitations. You have restricted access to our technical support team, which can slow down the problem-solving process. In short, you receive technical support, but it is limited compared to what is offered to paid accounts.

In conclusion, using our free version ticketing solution has advantages but also limitations. Whether it is selling tickets for a show, organizing a conference, or fundraising for a trade show, it is essential to understand the limitations to optimize the use of free ticketing software.

Paid Online Ticketing Software Solutions

The French SAAS platform, known for its ticket sales, is a reference for many users. This online ticketing software centralizes all the useful data for event organizers. Ticket sales, registrations, payments—everything is integrated into a single module, facilitating fundraising. The collected data also allows for adapting rates to attract more participants.

In particular, the platform is useful when managing large events such as a festival. Users can track ticket sales in real-time, modify rates if necessary, and manage payments securely. Participant data is also easily accessible at a glance.

For professionals organizing a conference or seminar, this French platform also offers a dedicated module. Registrations can be managed online, and users can pay for their tickets directly on the platform, facilitating fundraising. Participants, in turn, benefit from a smooth and secure user experience. User data is handled with the utmost care, ensuring the protection of their personal information.

The online platform also offers options for selling tickets for a trade show. Payment can be made directly on the website, ensuring efficient fundraising. Participant data, ticket sales, and rates are accessible in real-time, allowing for quick adjustments to the sales strategy if necessary.

Lastly, for a second festival, the platform ensures optimal management of ticket sales. The dedicated module allows for efficient and secure management of payments, registrations, user data, and rates, ensuring successful fundraising. Sales can be tracked in real-time, providing valuable data for event organization.

In summary, this French online ticketing platform offers a comprehensive paid solution for event organization, participant management, registrations, payments, and fundraising. User data is at the core of the system, guaranteeing an optimal experience for all participants.

Advantages of Paid Online Ticketing Software Solutions

In the French event industry, paid online ticketing software is often an unavoidable choice. One of the main advantages is the ability to integrate these solutions directly into your website. This allows for easier payment for participants, which can result in increased ticket sales. Ticket management is often smoother, with real-time updates on availability and the number of remaining seats.

Advanced software features

Paid ticketing software generally offers advanced features that can greatly facilitate event management. For example, most of these software solutions allow for automated ticket sales management, freeing up time to focus on other aspects of the event. Moreover, some online software integrates an online payment feature, further facilitating ticket purchases by participants. They also offer better seat management in the French market and enable greater online visibility.

Software technical support

Paid solutions generally offer quality technical support ready to assist in case of problems. Whether it's a question related to software usage, a payment issue, or a problem

with the website, a team is usually available to help. Their role is essential to ensure a good experience for both the event organizer and the participants. Moreover, these support services are often available in French, which is a significant advantage in the French-speaking market.

Furthermore, the associated mobile application with these online ticketing software solutions often offers additional features, such as the ability to manage sales directly from a smartphone or tablet. This is a great help for on-site event management.

Event promotion can also be facilitated by using these online ticketing solutions. Most software allows for integrating ticket sales directly on the event website, as well as on social media platforms, which can increase event visibility and, consequently, ticket sales. Participants generally appreciate the ease of payment and increased visibility on social media.

In conclusion, event management and online ticketing are greatly facilitated by using paid ticketing software solutions. These solutions can help increase ticket sales, improve seat management, and facilitate event promotion on the internet and social media.

Disadvantages of Paid Online Ticketing Software Solutions

French participants in cultural, sports, and other types of events often face a crucial question: where to buy tickets? In the French online ticketing market, many paid ticketing software solutions are available. Although these online ticketing solutions may seem promising, they have disadvantages that need to be taken into account.

High cost of the software

The main drawback of paid online ticketing software solutions is their cost. For small event organizers, the cost of a paid online ticketing software can be prohibitive. This is especially the case when considering individual ticket sales. Indeed, these online ticketing software solutions, often designed for large-scale management, can be financially burdensome. The fees associated with implementing these online ticketing solutions can be a significant barrier for small-scale event organizers.

Complexity of the software

Furthermore, using paid online ticketing software can also come with a certain level of complexity. While these software solutions offer a wide variety of features, the learning curve required for their effective management and use can demand a significant time investment. Additionally, setting up these online ticketing software solutions on the event website can be challenging for those who are not familiar with the technology.

For French participants, this complexity can also be reflected in the ticket purchasing process. If the website is not intuitive, they may feel disoriented when buying tickets for an event.

Management of online sales and software updates

Another challenge concerns the management of ticket sales. The use of online ticketing software often imposes a specific sales method and sales management approach. However, some event organizers may require greater flexibility in this regard.

In summary, although the presence of online ticketing software is growing in the French market, event organizers and participants need to be aware of their drawbacks before committing to their use. Sometimes, a more traditional online ticketing solution, despite possibly requiring more laborious management, may be better suited to the scale and nature of certain events.


In the contemporary French world of online ticketing, it is crucial to choose the right online ticketing software. The choice between a free and paid online ticketing software depends on your specific needs, which can vary depending on the type of events you organize and the importance you give them in your management strategy.

If you are organizing a small event and looking to save money, a free solution might be your best choice. Such an online ticketing software can offer basic features that are sufficient for your management needs. The website of this online ticketing software may have a user-friendly interface, allowing you to sell tickets without complications. It is a practical solution if you don't have many seats to offer.

On the other hand, if you are organizing a large-scale event and need advanced features, a paid solution might be more appropriate. This will allow for more in-depth management of available seats. In this case, it would be wise to invest in an online ticketing software that has a variety of features, such as better seat and ticket management.

Online ticketing can enhance the experience of your customers, allowing them to purchase tickets easily and securely. Using a professional online ticketing software puts you in a good position for a successful event. The online ticketing interface on your event website will be the customers' first interaction with your organization, and a positive experience could encourage them to come back.

In summary, in the French context, choosing the right online ticketing software for managing your events, whether small or large, is crucial for the success of your business. Every seat counts, and ticket management must be done with care to ensure a positive experience for your customers.

It is important to consider that each ticket sold online represents not only a seat filled at your event but also an opportunity to create a memorable experience for your customer. So, choose your online ticketing software wisely. Your ideal solution may be just a line away on your screen.


Can I rely on free ticketing software?

Yes, although free ticketing software offers fewer features and limited technical support, it can be very reliable for managing ticketing for small events. Free ticketing software serves as an effective solution for online ticket management for small-scale events. Additionally, users can find tutorials and online forums to compensate for the limited technical support. It can also provide an opportunity to learn the basics of ticket management. It's a good starting point for beginners in event organization.

Is it a good idea to invest in paid ticketing software?

It depends on your specific needs. Paid ticketing software, with its multiple features, can greatly facilitate the organization and ticketing of large events. This type of ticketing software is an interesting solution for those looking to optimize their ticketing system. Furthermore, it often allows for better customization to align with your event's branding. The customer service is generally more responsive and professional. It may also include analytical tools to improve your sales strategy.

Are there ticketing software solutions that offer free trials?

Yes, it is common to find ticketing software that offers free trials. This is a highly appreciated solution as it allows you to try out the ticketing software before committing to it. It provides an opportunity to test the online ticketing features before deciding to purchase tickets. The free trial is an excellent opportunity to understand how the software works and see how it integrates with other tools you use. It is also useful for comparing different options before making a final choice.

Can I switch from a free ticketing software to a paid one?

Yes, many ticketing software providers offer the option to switch from a free plan to a paid plan as your ticketing needs grow. This is a flexible solution that allows you to manage ticketing for events of different sizes. It is also a great way to minimize initial costs while leaving room to scale as your business grows. Moreover, the upgrade process is usually simple and quick. It can enable you to enjoy new features without interrupting your ticketing service.

Do paid ticketing software solutions provide 24/7 technical support?

Most paid ticketing software solutions offer robust technical support, including 24/7 assistance. This is a reassuring solution for those who require constant support for their online ticketing management. It allows for quick resolution of any issues that may arise. This is particularly valuable during peak ticket sales periods. It can also be reassuring to know that you can get help even outside of regular business hours.

What is the advantage of using online ticketing software?

Online ticketing software offers unmatched convenience for ticket purchasing. Customers can buy tickets for various events at any time, making it easier for event organizers to sell tickets. It also eliminates the need for physical box offices, which can reduce costs and make ticket purchasing more accessible for customers. Additionally, it often allows for the collection of valuable customer data, which can help improve future events.

What is the best solution for managing ticketing for multiple events?

The best solution is to use ticketing software capable of managing multiple events simultaneously. It is a powerful tool for event organizers who want to sell tickets for different events. It can facilitate planning and sales management, providing a clear overview of all your ongoing events. This can be helpful for monitoring trends and identifying growth opportunities.

Where can I find a ticket for an event?

The best place to find a ticket for an event is through online ticketing software. It enables quick and easy ticket purchases, ensuring efficient ticket management for all types of events. It also allows you to check seat availability at any time and from anywhere. Moreover, most online ticketing software allows for price comparison and provides detailed event information. They may also offer recommendations based on your interests and previous purchases.

Can I use ticketing software for international events?

Yes, it is entirely possible to use ticketing software for international events. Many of these software solutions are designed to be used worldwide and support multiple languages and currencies. This ensures that users in different countries can easily purchase tickets in their native language. Additionally, these software solutions often take into account time zone differences, which is crucial for international event planning. However, it is important to verify these features before choosing ticketing software for your international events. Furthermore, some software solutions also offer options to manage local ticketing regulations, which is an important consideration to ensure compliance with regulations in each country where the event will take place.

What are the essential criteria to consider when choosing ticketing software?

Several criteria are important when choosing ticketing software. Firstly, the software's features should meet your specific needs. For example, if you organize numerous events, software capable of managing multiple events simultaneously could be beneficial. Secondly, the user interface should be user-friendly for both you and your customers. Thirdly, the software's price should align with your budget. Fourthly, the software should provide good customer support to assist you with any issues or questions. Finally, additional considerations may include the ability to integrate the software with other tools you use, the ability to customize the ticketing appearance, and access to data and reports to help improve your events. Additionally, the software provider's reputation is a factor to consider. Look for online reviews or ask for recommendations to ensure that the provider is reliable and trustworthy. Furthermore, software security is also important to protect your customers' data and ensure secure online transactions.


Pauline Ramier

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