
Criteria to consider for a ticketing software purchase

Last modification : 05/13/2024 04:14 PM


When we talk about ticketing software, we immediately imagine the efficiency that such a solution brings in selling e-tickets for various events. Whether it's for shows, amusement parks, popular concerts, circuses, cultural festivals, fundraisers, conferences, seminars, or trade shows, the ease of ticket purchasing and simplified event management are crucial aspects for its success. Furthermore, with technological advancements, many organizations and businesses in France are now considering the use of a mobile application to facilitate access to these services. Implementing an appropriate ticketing platform can transform how events are managed and experienced, making the process smoother and more efficient. However, choosing the right ticketing software can be a daunting task given the multitude of options available in the market. It is therefore essential to understand your specific needs and the essential criteria to consider when purchasing a ticketing solution.

In this article, we will guide you through this process by helping you define the essential criteria to consider in making the right choice. Whether it's the software's ease of use, available features, or the quality of customer service, every detail matters. A good understanding of these elements will help you find the ticketing software that best suits both your requirements and those of your audience.

Understanding Ticketing Software

Definition and Purpose

Ticketing software, in its broadest definition, is a technological platform designed to facilitate and optimize the sale and distribution of tickets for various types of events. These events can encompass a multitude of activities, such as concerts, fundraisers, museums, shows, plays, sports matches, or art exhibitions. The tool is not only intended for ticket sales but also for their management. This includes tracking sales, managing registrations, setting up reservations, and much more. Ticketing solutions are often integrated into websites or a mobile application to facilitate access for the public and provide an optimal user experience. The use of a ticketing platform addresses an essential need for event organizers. It allows them to efficiently manage the distribution of each ticket, track real-time sales, and adjust strategies based on demand fluctuations. Moreover, thanks to the user-friendly nature of these ticketing systems, organizers can focus on other important aspects of the event, such as promotion, logistical organization, or customer service.

In summary, implementing ticketing software offers a comprehensive solution for managing event tickets, making the process smoother and more efficient for both the organizer and the participant.

Types of Ticketing Software

Indeed, the variety of ticketing software is vast, and their diversity caters to very specific needs depending on the scale and type of events to be managed. The functionalities vary depending on these ticketing systems, and their usage can be tailored to adapt to different contexts. To start, some ticketing software is designed for managing large-scale events, such as music festivals or major sports gatherings. Each solution offers a wider range of features, allowing meticulous management of tickets, access, and sales channels. They typically include advanced analytics tools to monitor sales trends and optimize pricing strategies. On the other hand, there are ticketing software dedicated to smaller or local events. These tools, often simpler and more intuitive, focus on the essentials: online ticket sales, sales tracking, and sometimes registration management. Their ease of use makes them particularly attractive to event organizers who don't require a complex ticketing solution. Finally, some ticketing software is designed to be versatile, offering flexibility that allows users to adapt the tool to their specific needs. These solutions can be suitable for a variety of events, whether small or large, local or international. It is important to emphasize that the choice of a ticketing platform should be made based on the specific needs of the event being managed to ensure maximum ticket sales optimization and a quality user experience.

Factors to consider when purchasing ticketing software


Cost is a major concern when choosing ticketing software. It is important to carefully evaluate the financial investment required for acquiring and using the tool. In addition to the initial cost of purchasing or subscribing to the solution, there may be other expenses involved.

Firstly, operational costs are an important aspect to consider. For example, the ticketing platform may require stable and fast internet access, dedicated point-of-sale terminals, or specific equipment for ticket scanning. Additionally, there may be fees associated with using certain features, such as registration management or sending confirmation emails.

Secondly, maintenance costs may also come into play. Ticketing software requires regular updates to ensure performance and security. These updates may be included in the initial cost or incur additional fees. Similarly, technical support is often necessary to resolve any potential issues. Its cost may be included in the base price or offered as a separate service. It is therefore essential to understand the overall costs associated with a ticketing platform before making a choice. Detailed evaluation and comparison of each solution available in the market can help in selecting the most suitable solution within one's budget and needs.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is a critical characteristic of good ticketing software. An intuitive and well-designed tool saves time, reduces errors, and optimizes the management of your events. For event organizers, the simplicity of the software interface greatly facilitates its usage. For example, creating new events, modifying seating configurations, managing attendee data, or overseeing payments should be straightforward operations. The tool should also provide training or tutorials to assist users in getting started with the ticketing software. For customers, the ticket purchasing process should be seamless and hassle-free. This includes clear event information visibility, a straightforward reservation procedure, flexible payment options, and the ability to easily access their tickets via websites, mobile applications, or email.

Furthermore, good ticketing software should be capable of adapting to different types of events and ticketing needs. It should offer customizable solutions based on the specific requirements of each event.

Functional Features

Online Sales

Online sales have become an indispensable feature for any ticketing platform. It not only allows reaching a wider audience but also facilitates ticket purchasing anytime and anywhere. A good online ticketing software should provide a simple and secure purchasing interface, allowing participants to choose the type of ticket they desire (e.g., single entry, multi-day pass, discounted rates), add additional options if needed (such as meals, merchandise, guided tours, etc.), and easily complete their purchase. Additionally, the software should offer organizations the ability to manage their online sales outlets, track real-time sales, adjust prices and ticket types based on demand, and handle returns or refunds.

It is also essential for the online ticketing software to integrate with the event or organization's website, enabling participants to directly access the ticketing platform from the event site. Similarly, integration with other event management tools, such as participant management or program solutions, can provide significant advantages.

Lastly, the ability to create and manage digital tickets, which can be presented on a smartphone at the event entrance, is increasingly appreciated by event organizers and participants.

Inventory Management

Ticket inventory management is a crucial aspect of online ticketing. A good ticketing software should provide clear and real-time visibility into the number of tickets sold, the number of remaining tickets, and any fluctuations in demand.

It should also offer features to determine the maximum number of tickets that can be sold for a given event or specific ticket categories, such as VIP seats, numbered seats, or discounted tickets. The ability to control the quantity and type of available tickets is crucial to avoid overselling and ensure a good experience for all participants. Additionally, the ticketing software should make it easy to manage different ticket options. For example, if you are organizing a festival with multiple concerts, you should be able to

offer participants the option to purchase tickets for a single concert, a full day, or the entire festival.

Reports and Analytics

The importance of analytics and reporting capabilities in ticketing software cannot be underestimated. These features allow event organizers to visualize sales and attendance data, understand trends, and identify areas for improvement. From generating an overview to creating specific reports, these analytics tools are indispensable for evaluating the effectiveness of your events. The reports generated by the ticketing software can provide a variety of information. For example, they can show the total number of tickets sold, registration rates, sales distribution by ticket type or pricing, peak hours, and more. This data can be crucial for adjusting marketing and sales strategies. Additionally, good ticketing software should offer real-time data analysis solutions, allowing you to monitor your event's performance at any time. This feature is particularly useful for quickly responding to changes and optimizing sales.

Another aspect to consider is the ease of use of these analytics and reporting tools. The interface should be intuitive and offer customization options to meet the specific needs of each event organizer. Lastly, adequate training on using these features can enable your team to make the most of your ticketing software. Understanding how to interpret and use this data can greatly enhance the efficiency of your event management.

Customer Service

The importance of excellent customer service in choosing a ticketing platform cannot be overstated. Regardless of the quality of ticketing software, issues may arise. This is when you need to be confident in having responsive and competent customer support.

First and foremost, customer support should be able to respond quickly to your inquiries. Whether it's a payment issue, a technical question, or a difficulty related to managing your website, the response time of customer service is crucial. Problems should be efficiently and timely resolved, minimizing the impact on your operations.

Customer support should also be flexible and able to handle a variety of requests, whether they are related to ticketing, credit card processing, registrations, or any other aspect of the software. They should offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Furthermore, customer service should be easily accessible. Nowadays, many customers prefer using social media to contact customer support. Therefore, good ticketing software should offer support through various channels, such as phone, email, and social media.

Another aspect to consider is the ability of customer service to assist organizers in managing their ticketing. Sometimes, organizers may need to adjust the number of available seats, change the point of sale, or implement new features. In such cases, customer service should be able to provide quick and effective assistance.


The integration of the software with other tools and systems is a critical criterion to consider when selecting online ticketing software. Compatibility with other platforms can not only facilitate your work as a project manager but also enhance the participant experience. For example, integration with different payment systems, such as credit cards or online payment solutions, can make the ticket purchasing process more flexible and accessible for your customers. This can have a significant impact on ticket sales, as participants are more likely to buy a ticket if they can use their preferred payment method.

Similarly, integration with marketing platforms and social media can help you effectively promote your events (e.g., theater, fundraisers, etc.). By easily sharing event information on social media, you can reach a wider audience and attract more participants. Additionally, if you can link your ticketing software with your email marketing tools, you can send automated reminders and special promotions to your audience. Integration with other systems can also streamline data management. For example, if the ticketing software can connect with your customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can easily track customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history. This can help you better understand your audience and personalize your offerings based on their needs and interests.

Lastly, some ticketing software offers self-service options, allowing customers to manage their own bookings, make changes, or access their electronic tickets. This can reduce the workload on your end and improve customer satisfaction.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Ticketing Software

When purchasing ticketing software, it is crucial to make thoughtful and informed decisions to ensure that the chosen solution meets your specific needs. There are several common mistakes to avoid.

Firstly, avoid being solely guided by cost. While cost is certainly an important factor, it is essential to weigh other considerations, such as the quality of the software, the features offered, and the level of customer service. A cheap but inefficient ticketing platform can result in management difficulties and potentially harm participant satisfaction. Consider investing in ticketing software that provides good value for money rather than simply choosing the cheapest option.

Secondly, always test the software before purchasing it. Most ticketing software providers offer a free trial period or a demo. Take this opportunity to evaluate whether the software is easy to use, if the registration process runs smoothly, if you can efficiently manage your events, and if the platform can be integrated with your existing sales channels. This will help you understand if the ticketing software meets your needs and expectations.

Thirdly, make sure to consider the different features that the software offers. For example, does the software provide a platform to manage all your sales, including on-site and online sales? Does the software enable efficient registration and ticket sales management? Is it capable of generating detailed sales reports that help you understand your event's performance? If the software lacks these essential features, it may not be the right choice for your organization.

Choosing the Right Ticketing Software for Your Business

Choosing the right ticketing software is a crucial step for the success of your professional or personal events (e.g., seminars, fundraisers). Selecting the right software should be based on a thorough assessment of your specific needs, participant expectations, and your business goals.

Firstly, understanding the needs and expectations of your participants is important. The ticketing software you choose should offer an optimal user experience, simplifying the ticket purchasing process online, facilitating registration, and providing participants with all the information they need about the event. Additionally, an integrated mobile application can be a significant asset as it allows participants to purchase tickets, check event information, and more directly from their phones.

Next, consider your needs as an organizer. The ticketing software should provide an intuitive platform for managing ticket sales, registrations, participants, and event-related data. Additionally, the software should enable you to efficiently manage

the ticket sales process, from setting up different ticket types and pricing to managing ticket inventory.

Furthermore, the chosen ticketing solution should easily integrate with other tools and software you already use in your business. This may include marketing tools, payment systems, event management platforms, etc. Good integration ensures a seamless workflow and increased efficiency.

Lastly, it is important to consider the cost of the ticketing software. Take into account not only the initial cost but also maintenance costs, operational costs, and any potential ticket sales commissions.

By considering all these factors, you will be able to choose a ticketing platform that not only meets your needs but also contributes to a positive experience for your participants and the overall success of your events.


Choosing ticketing software is a decision that deserves careful consideration. It is a tool that lies at the heart of event management, whether it's a show, festival, conference, seminar, fundraiser, or any other type of gathering. This choice directly impacts the experience of your participants, the payment process, data management, and ultimately, the success of your event. To make the best choice, it is essential to understand your specific needs. For example, the size and type of your events, the target audience, the payment options you want to offer, and the features you will need for ticket management. The platform's interface should also be considered: your website should provide a smooth and intuitive user journey to facilitate ticket purchases and participant registration. Visual appeal, clarity of information, event view displays, and ease of navigation are all factors that contribute to this experience. Data integration is another crucial aspect. The chosen ticketing software should be able to integrate with your other management and marketing tools, allowing you to make the most of the data collected during ticket sales. Finally, do not overlook the importance of after-sales service and training. Providing good technical support, quick responses to your inquiries, and appropriate training are essential to help you master the use of the software and address any potential issues. In conclusion, selecting ticketing software involves considering a multitude of factors. It's not just about finding a solution that meets your current needs but also a platform that can evolve with you and adapt to the changing nature of your events. By doing so, you will be able to offer an optimal experience to your participants while facilitating the management of your events, ultimately increasing their success.


What is a ticketing software?

A ticketing software is a digital solution designed to simplify and optimize the ticket sales process for various types of events (exhibitions, fundraisers, concerts, etc.). Whether it's a music festival, a sports event, a theater show, a professional conference, or any other type of event, these tools are essential for organizers. Ticketing software offers a wide range of features to facilitate ticket sales management. They allow you to create and customize tickets, organize seating arrangements, manage registrations and payments, and track sales in real-time. These solutions can also include options for handling refunds, cancellations, or booking modifications. One of the main advantages of ticketing software is its ability to automate many processes. It frees organizers from time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus on other aspects of event organization. Additionally, these tools play a key role in modern events as they enable direct and instant interaction with participants. With secure online payments, customers can purchase tickets anytime and anywhere, making the purchasing process easier and enhancing the overall participant experience.

Which ticketing platform do you recommend?

Among the many options available in the market, one ticketing platform I recommend is Imagina. Imagina is an online ticketing solution that stands out for its versatility and innovative features. Imagina offers a comprehensive and user-friendly online ticketing system that can be accessed from any platform (smartphone, tablet, computer), greatly facilitating ticket management. Whether you're organizing a small event or a large festival, Imagina can efficiently handle ticket sales without stress. With this platform, creating a dedicated website for your event is a breeze. You can integrate your online ticketing directly into your site, allowing customers to purchase tickets 24/7 and with just a few clicks. The purchasing process is designed to be simple and intuitive, attracting a larger number of participants. In terms of payments, Imagina supports a variety of methods, making it convenient for customers who prefer to pay by credit card, PayPal, or other options. The platform handles all transactions, ensuring a secure and reliable payment process. Moreover, Imagina is more than just an online ticketing tool. It's a complete solution that can help you manage all aspects of your event. For example, the platform offers tools to handle registrations, track ticket sales in real-time, and communicate with participants. Finally, Imagina is also available as a mobile application, providing even more convenience to your customers. They can purchase a ticket, check event information, and even present their electronic tickets directly from their smartphones.

What are the key criteria to consider when purchasing ticketing software?

When considering the purchase of ticketing software, it is essential to think about several key criteria to ensure that the chosen solution meets your specific requirements. The cost of the solution is a determining factor. You not only need to consider the initial price of the software but also the expenses associated with its maintenance, updates, and technical support. Additionally, keep in mind that some ticketing software may charge fees per ticket sold, so it's important to have a clear understanding of the pricing structure. The ticketing software should be easy to use, both for your team and for participants. It should provide an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. It can be wise to test the software before making a decision to ensure its user-friendliness. It is also crucial for the ticketing software to have robust features that simplify event management. This may include online ticket sales, registration management, seating organization, integration with multiple payment channels, and report generation.

Are all ticketing software the same?

No, not all ticketing software is the same. There is a wide variety of solutions, each with its own features, strengths, and weaknesses. Some ticketing software is designed to meet the specific needs of particular types of

events, such as music festivals, professional conferences, or sports matches. Others are more versatile and can be used for a wide range of events. Additionally, ticketing software also varies in terms of the features they offer. Some focus on providing a robust online ticket sales platform, while others offer more comprehensive event management tools, including planning, participant management, and sales analysis. The way these software solutions are deployed can also differ. For example, some can be integrated into your existing website, while others are available as mobile applications to facilitate ticket purchases by participants on their phones.

For what types of events are online ticketing software most suitable?

Online ticketing software is incredibly versatile, making it suitable for a multitude of events. For example, when organizing a conference or seminar, efficient registration and ticket management are often a top priority. With an online ticketing solution, participants can easily book and pay for their seats. Similarly, for a trade show or exhibition, whether it's a professional or artistic event, online ticketing software can greatly simplify ticket sales and on-site entry management. It's also a valuable solution for training sessions, workshops, or classes, as it enables registration and payment management, ensuring efficient organization and tracking of participants. In the entertainment field, such as theaters, online ticketing software is particularly useful. It can handle seat reservations, making it easier for viewers who want to reserve their seats in advance. Finally, for fundraising events, online ticketing software can not only facilitate ticket sales but also optimize the donation process, encouraging more participants to support the cause.

Why is online ticket sales an important feature of ticketing software?

Online ticket sales is a crucial feature of ticketing software for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to reach a wider audience. With an online ticketing solution, you are not limited to a local audience or specific opening hours. People from anywhere in the world can purchase tickets for your event at any time, potentially increasing your sales and visibility. Secondly, it provides significant convenience to participants. They can purchase tickets at their convenience without having to travel. This is particularly advantageous for events that attract an international audience or those that sell out quickly. Furthermore, online sales are typically associated with secure payment systems, which can reassure potential buyers and facilitate the purchasing process. This includes diverse payment options that can adapt to individual preferences. Moreover, an online ticketing software with online sales functionality offers organizers better event management. It allows real-time visualization of sales and registrations, efficient management of available seats, and the ability to adjust prices based on demand.

Why is integration with other tools important for ticketing software?

Integration with other tools is crucial for ticketing software due to several reasons. Firstly, it enables smoother and more efficient transaction management. For example, integration with payment systems allows for automated management of credit card and other payment transactions, reducing the risk of manual errors. Additionally, integration with websites offers the opportunity for self-service ticket sales, increasing convenience for customers and potentially boosting sales. Customers can purchase tickets at any time without having to wait for ticket office hours. Moreover, with integration, ticket information can be updated in real-time on your website, ensuring that your customers always see the latest and most accurate information. Next, integration with marketing platforms enhances the visibility of your events. For instance, you can connect your ticketing software with social media apps to promote your events and reach a wider audience. Finally, integration with other applications can provide a more personalized and engaging experience for your customers. For example, you can integrate your ticketing software with a mobile application that allows customers to purchase and manage their tickets directly from their smartphones, adding an extra layer of convenience.

What mistakes should I avoid when purchasing ticketing software?

It is crucial to avoid certain mistakes when purchasing ticketing software. Firstly, don't solely focus on the

cost. It's essential to consider the features offered by the software, as well as its ease of use and the quality of customer support. Specifically, pay attention to aspects such as payment management, ease of ticket distribution, the ability to integrate self-service features, and adaptability to your existing website. Additionally, don't overlook the importance of testing the application before making a purchase. This will allow you to evaluate whether the application is well-suited to your needs, if the platform is intuitive for managing your events, and if the ticket purchasing process is easy for participants.


Pauline Ramier

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