
Laval Virtual Europe 2021

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Laval Virtual Europe 2021


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Laval Virtual 2021 Event map

Find the Carte de l’événement / Event map.

Exhibition halls floor plans

Find the interactive map of the Show.

Event programme

Find the event programme.

Laval Virtual conferences programme

Find the event schedule.

Live streaming

Find the live streaming.

Partner Boardroom programmes

Find the partner boardroom schedule.


Find the attendees.


Find the exhibitors list.

Badge scanner

Scan participants badges and keep their information.


Find the ReVolution.

Awards nominees

Find the awards nominees.


Find the speakers.

Sponsors & Partners

Find the sponsors & partners.

Social networks

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Find the newsfeed.

Videos of the event

Find the videos of the event.

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Laval Virtual Europe 2021


Y aller

Laval Virtual 2021 Event map

Find the Carte de l’événement / Event map.

Exhibition halls floor plans

Find the interactive map of the Show.

Event programme

Find the event programme.

Laval Virtual conferences programme

Find the event schedule.

Live streaming

Find the live streaming.

Partner Boardroom programmes

Find the partner boardroom schedule.


Find the attendees.


Find the exhibitors list.

Badge scanner

Scan participants badges and keep their information.


Find the ReVolution.

Awards nominees

Find the awards nominees.


Find the speakers.

Sponsors & Partners

Find the sponsors & partners.

Social networks

Find the social networks.


Find the newsfeed.

Videos of the event

Find the videos of the event.

Laval Virtual Europe is a not-to-be-missed event based on virtual and augmented reality in Europe

Find the Laval Virtual conferences programme

Find the attendees list and meet via Imagina or the LV World

Consult the exhibitors list