Registration and access control

Access control and badge generator

Quickly and easily generate personalised access badges for your event. Create your physical paper tickets or digital dematerialized tickets associated with a QR code or a barcode.
Send them the badges directly in PDF format to their mailbox from the platform.
On the day of the event, control and manage the entry of visitors to your event.
By using the Imagina Pro mobile application or to the terminals (shower/scanner) dedicated to event organisers (in particular hosts and hostesses), scan (chek-in) the entry and exit tickets of your participants by rooms, halls, buildings and spaces.
Automate your ticketing in a dematerialized way to fluidify the flow of visitors.
After the receptionist scans the QR code or barcode, the application displays the number of entries and exits in real time to control your visitor numbers.
Get on the spot the information of the participant, the chosen meal formula, the conferences to which he has access etc. Analyse the flows and obtain detailed statistics by space.
We operate at all levels whether you already have your registration platform, your badges or not.

Gauge system

Visualise in real time the number of entries and exits as well as the participants present in your event or in your rooms.

Registration forms and Ticketing

Customise your registration forms according to your needs, participant categories and ticket types. Send your invitation, registration confirmation or reminder emails to your participants.

badge access control event imagina

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