
Launch a ticketing service for my museum

Last modification : 08/01/2024 02:06 PM


If you own a museum and want to set up an efficient ticketing system to welcome your visitors, this article will guide you through the various steps to choose the right ticketing system, set prices and schedules, and promote your ticketing.

Choosing the Right Ticketing System

Online Solutions

Opting for an online ticketing solution allows you to offer visitors a quick and convenient way to buy tickets directly from their homes. Online platforms generally provide services such as booking time slots, managing visitor quotas, or selling tickets bundled with events or special offers.

On-Site Solutions

On-site ticketing systems are essential for visitors who present themselves at the museum's reception. These solutions can include traditional counters with staff, automated ticket vending kiosks, or touchscreen tablets to facilitate ticket purchases.

Hybrid Solutions

It is also possible to opt for hybrid solutions that combine the benefits of online and on-site ticketing. These solutions allow you to adapt to visitor preferences and offer a complete ticket buying experience.

Imagina Ticketing and App

Among the available solutions, the Imagina app and ticketing system stand out for their ease of use and numerous features. It offers an online platform for ticket sales, as well as a mobile app that allows visitors to reserve and buy their tickets directly from their smartphones. Moreover, Imagina provides management and tracking tools for the museum to optimize visitor reception and ticketing operations.

Setting Prices and Schedules

Standard Rates

Setting standard rates for museum entry depends on several factors, such as the size of the museum, the quality of the exhibitions, and the geographical location. It is important to study the rates practiced by other similar museums to offer attractive and competitive prices.

Reduced and Group Rates

It is common to offer reduced rates for certain categories of visitors, such as students, seniors, job seekers, or people with disabilities. Consider also offering group rates to encourage family or friends visits.

Opening Hours

The opening hours of your museum should be adapted to the expected attendance and logistical constraints. It is important to provide time slots wide enough to allow visitors to fully enjoy their visit.

Promoting Your Ticketing

Museum Website

Your website is the main point of contact between your museum and potential visitors. It is therefore essential to integrate your online ticketing and highlight practical information, such as rates, schedules, or visit conditions.

Social Networks

Social networks are an excellent way to promote your ticketing and attract new visitors. Do not hesitate to regularly share news about your exhibitions, events, or special offers to encourage internet users to book their tickets.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Finally, consider forming partnerships with other cultural or tourist actors in your region. This could take the form of bundled tickets with other sites, discounts for loyalty card holders, or collaborations with tourism organizations to promote your museum and ticketing.


Launching a ticketing system for your museum is an important challenge to facilitate access to culture and optimize the welcome of your visitors. By following the advice in this article and choosing the right solutions, such as the Imagina app and ticketing, you will put all the chances on your side to attract a wide audience and ensure the success of your museum.

Choose Imagina, and you will maximize your chances to sell as many seats and tickets as possible and guarantee the success of your museum's permanent collections or temporary exhibitions.


What are the benefits of the Imagina app and ticketing system?

The Imagina app and ticketing system offer a complete and easy-to-use solution, including an online platform, a mobile app, and management tools for the museum. It provides an optimal ticket buying experience for visitors.

How do I set the prices for my museum?

It is important to base your pricing on criteria such as the size of the museum, the quality of the exhibitions, and the geographical location to set attractive and competitive rates. Don't forget to offer reduced and group rates to encourage visits.

What communication channels should I use to promote my ticketing?

The museum's website, social networks, and partnerships with other cultural or tourist actors are effective communication channels to promote your ticketing and attract new visitors.

How do I adjust the opening hours of my museum?

Opening hours should be adapted to expected attendance and logistical constraints. It is important to provide time slots wide enough to allow visitors to fully enjoy their visit.

Is it better to use an online, on-site, or hybrid ticketing solution?

The choice of ticketing solution depends on the needs and preferences of your visitors. A hybrid solution, combining the advantages of online and on-site ticketing, allows offering a complete and tailored ticket buying experience for all visitor profiles.


Arthur Josset

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