
A company app to develop internal communication with employees

Last modification : 07/05/2024 10:21 AM



An enterprise application to develop internal communication with employees


What is an enterprise application? 

A solution to improve internal communication with employees

An enterprise application is a software or web platform designed to be used by employees and managers of a company to facilitate and optimise their work. 

These applications can cover many areas, such as human resources management, financial management, production, supply chain, customer relationship management, welfare management, etc.

This type of solution can be deployed on a local network or in a web cloud and can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet. 

They are often designed to be used by several people within the organisation and allow data to be shared to work collaboratively on projects.


One of the many benefits is the development of organisational communication within the organisation and on the premises. Indeed, it can provide a centralised web app for communication and collaboration between employees, which helps to improve business efficiency and productivity.

By using an enterprise app for internal communication, employees can exchange information quickly and easily, which ultimately improves productivity and quality of work. It can also strengthen cooperation within the organisation, which is beneficial for the company culture and the working life of employees. 



Why have an application for your company?

To take the first step towards a smart office for your organisation.


Having these applications is a first step towards setting up a smart office.

This is an approach to organisational management that aims to optimise the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve efficiency and productivity.


Using centralised enterprise applications and web apps is an asset for communication and collaboration between employees, which contributes to the establishment of a smart office by enabling employees to work more efficiently and by promoting collaborative decision-making. This model also applies to associations, technopoles, chambers of commerce (CCI) or other groups or companies.


To implement a smart office, it is important to choose an enterprise application that meets the company's needs in terms of functionality, cost and ease of use.

It can also be useful to define clear objectives and plan the transition to this approach in an orderly manner. 

In general, the implementation of a smart office requires an initial investment, but it can offer many long-term benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity for the organisation.


Take advantage of new production dynamics through the smart office and the connected enterprise.

There are many operational reasons why companies might need an application. 

Here are some examples:

Improving efficiency and productivity to enable employees to work more effectively and manage their time better by providing easy access to the data and tools they need to perform their tasks. It also brings flexibility through information and communication technology (ICT), which are used in a smart office and allow employees to work more flexibly, offering them the possibility of teleworking or changing their workplace more easily.


Better data management: an enterprise app can help manage the organisation's data by allowing data to be stored, sorted and analysed more efficiently. 


Innovation: a company may be able to create new ways of doing things and innovate in its business. The tools and technologies used in a smart office can provide new ways of working and enable employees to find new ways of doing things, which can foster innovation within the organisation.

In addition, the image of a connected company is promoted to the outside world.


In general, this solution helps a company to achieve its goals by improving efficiency, productivity, communication and collaboration within the company. This includes many benefits to employees by providing them with the tools and technology to work more efficiently and by improving their experience within the organisation.



What are the possibilities and benefits of an enterprise application?

Select the features and their associated benefits.


Here are some examples of features that can be useful for internal communication within a company:


Office booking to optimise the use and planning of meeting rooms. This also allows other employees to be informed in real time about the availability of offices, thus avoiding time wasting checks or misunderstandings.


Material management to allow employees to track orders, manage stock and inventory, plan tasks and monitor production in real time, etc.



Personalized, unique or shared time management for each employee or collaborator. This makes it possible to quickly find all events, meetings, etc.


Real-time targeted push notifications to alert employees of important updates, upcoming deadlines or the arrival of a new receptionist.


News and documents to centralise and sort documents by division, employees, projects, etc.


The news feed to post the latest news, the arrival of new staff, the end of projects, etc. Linked to the organisation's social networks, this news feed becomes a real social wall.


Votes and questionnaires, to develop a "participative" dynamic. Very useful for gathering ideas, opinions or feelings.


Reporting anomalies, incivilities or any other problem directly to the person in charge. Create a company where all simple problems can be dealt with in record time.


Registration for internal and external events through an interactive form that collects the participant data you want to obtain.


Instant messaging to allow employees to communicate quickly and informally.


An employee directory to facilitate the exchange of information between employees and allow employees to easily find the people they are looking for.


The finance system to help employees complete and submit expense claims, track company expenses and manage invoices and payments, etc.


The features presented are just a sample of the possibilities of this type of solution!


Choosing the right provider

There are many business applications on the market, and it is important to choose those that best suit the company's needs in terms of functionality, cost and ease of use.


Understand the price and delivery time.

The price and delivery time of an enterprise app depends on many factors, such as the desired functionality, the complexity of the app, the target platform, the number of users and the desired delivery time.


Here are a few things to consider when looking at the price and delivery time of an enterprise app:


Desired functionality: the more advanced the app's functionality, the higher the cost and the longer the development time. It is therefore essential to clearly define the necessary features and prioritise them to avoid over-sizing the app.


The target platform: the cost and time of development can vary depending on the target medium (desktop, mobile device, Microsoft, cloud, etc.). It is therefore important to clearly define the target medium before developing the app.



The number of users: the cost of the application may vary according to the number of users expected. It is therefore important to determine the number of users expected before developing the application.

It is advisable to ask for quotes from several suppliers and compare the offers to find the most suitable offer for the company's needs and resources. It is also important to discuss the project in detail with the supplier in order to obtain an accurate estimate of the cost and delivery time.



Discover Imagina, the application for connected businesses.


Imagina offers an application and a web platform accessible on any support for companies, associations, groups or any other structure.

This solution offers more than 50 ready-to-use functionalities that can be adapted to the smart office, which significantly reduces the price and delivery time.


App configuration, content integration and customised recommendations are all managed by a single contact: your project manager. Customised support, compliance with the RGPD and 100% made in France are highly appreciated by customers who pass on their satisfaction. You can find the customer reviews by clicking here.


For more information, you can visit the presentation of an enterprise application for Smart Office.


You can quickly become a connected company and enjoy the benefits of a smart office.



Arthur Josset

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