
Which online ticketing software for my event?

Last modification : 05/13/2024 04:40 PM

Introduction to Imagina

Imagina is an innovative and user-friendly ticketing software designed to revolutionize the online ticketing experience.

Whether you are an event organizer, a venue manager or a simple user looking for a convenient, secure, non-point-of-sale way to buy or sell tickets and attend events, Imagina and its multiple functionalities is the perfect solution to meet your needs.

Taking advantage of the latest technological advances and placing the user at the center of its approach, this software offers an integrated and complete solution platform to manage all aspects of ticketing and events, from the creation of your event to the management of each registration, ticket sales and reservations, all through the mobile application or website.

The objective of the Imagina ticketing module is to simplify and improve the ticketing experience for all the actors involved without the need for any training.

Thanks to an intuitive and customizable interface, users can easily navigate and find the events they are interested in, while venue managers benefit from advanced tools by category to manage their sales and optimize their revenues.

In addition, Imagina guarantees optimal security for transactions and personal data, ensuring peace of mind for all users.

In a world where speed and ease of use have become essential, waiting at the cash register or at kiosks in a sales outlet is no longer the only solution in terms of ticketing. Indeed, e-commerce has revolutionized a good number of points on different sectors. Today, the French ticketing software Imagina stands out as the ideal solution to manage efficiently and without stress the ticketing of your events while having an assistance and a project manager present for you.

Get ready to discover a new era of online ticketing with Imagina, the software that redefines the industry standards and paves the way to a user experience with unprecedented simplicity.


Why choose Imagina for your event ?

Imagina is an online ticketing platform that allows you to manage registrations, participants and ticket sales for all types of French events. Whether you are organizing a concert, a conference, a sports-related event, visits to museums, theaters, shows, a festival or a circus workshop, the Imagina module offers you a complete set of tools to help you optimize the management of your event.

Choosing Imagina online ticketing for your event means opting for an intuitive and user-friendly platform, offering advanced customization to adapt to your image and your culture, whether it be for the reservation, the ticket (barcode or not), the sale price of the e-ticket, the choice of communication channels.

In the online ticketing software market, Imagina stands out by offering optimal sales management with tracking and analysis tools, flexible pricing to attract a large audience, and guarantees the security of users' payments and their access to events.

In addition, the dedicated support team ensures fast and efficient support, and cross-platform compatibility allows convenient access to events on all devices. Imagina's online ticketing system is the ideal solution to manage both the reservation of participants' tickets and the event management aspect, while offering an exceptional experience to your audience.

The key features of Imagina

Event creation and management

The Imagina online ticketing platform solution allows you to easily create and manage events of all sizes and types.

You can add detailed information about the event, images, videos to make your ticketing more attractive to your users. You can also add links to social networks to promote your event in an attractive way and increase the views of the event.

Ticket Customization

Create custom tickets with the placement and installation of your logo, colors and event-specific information to provide a consistent and professional experience for your customers and attending organizations.

Registration and Attendance Management

Imagina facilitates the reservation and sale of tickets to users. To manage registrations and attendees with ease, the ticketing software offers you the solution with an intuitive and comprehensive dashboard.

You can view the number of tickets sold, attendee data and revenue generated from ticket sales in real time. In addition, the platform allows you to easily manage refund types, pricing errors, cancellations and ticket transfers.

The online ticketing software offers an advanced seating management feature that allows you to create custom seating charts, assign seats, and manage reservations in real time with just a few clicks.

Flexible pricing

Set up differentiated pricing and promotions to attract a diverse audience of attendees and maximize ticket sales at your various events. You can also set up special rates for groups, students, seniors and other customer categories.

Marketing and promotional tools

To ensure the success of your event, the Imagina French module provides you with various marketing and promotional tools to increase ticket sales. You can create discount codes, special offers and email campaigns to encourage attendees to register. In addition, the platform easily integrates with social networks to allow you to share and promote your event to a large audience and gain a large number of views on posts.

Analytics and reporting

Track your event's performance with built-in analytics, which provide you with valuable data on sales, attendance and market trends. Detailed reports allow you to make informed decisions to optimize your revenue and improve the event experience for your users and attendees.

Secure Payment Features

The security of transactions and payments is essential for event organizers and their participants. Imagina offers secure payment functionalities, with an easy integration of the main online payment solutions.

Imagina online ticketing supports a variety of payment methods and guarantees the security of transactions by using advanced encryption protocols and complying with the strictest security standards of the event industry.

Cross-platform support

Imagina's online ticketing is compatible with all devices, including smartphones and tablets, providing convenient access to your events for your audience, regardless of time or location.

Customer service, technical support and updates

Imagina provides responsive customer service and efficient technical support to accompany you throughout the use of the software. Whether you have questions about the configuration of your event or you encounter a technical problem, the Imagina team is there to help you with updates for example.

Integration of Imagina with other tools

Imagina integrates easily with other tools and software that you may use to manage and promote your event. You can for example connect Imagina to your website, to live broadcasting platforms, or to marketing and analysis tools.

Imagina's online ticketing software can be integrated with various external applications and services, such as content management systems (CMS), email marketing tools and CRM solutions, to further automate and streamline your ticketing and event management processes.

Promote your events with the use of social networks directly from the Imagina website or online ticketing platform to increase the number of views and therefore the visibility of your event and attract a larger audience of participants.

With these key features, Imagina's ticketing software offers you a complete and powerful solution at your fingertips in a few clicks to efficiently manage the online ticketing of your events and offer an exceptional experience to your audience.

Imagina's rates and subscription plans

Unlike some online ticketing platforms, Imagina does not offer monthly subscription plans. The software works on a commission model taken from each ticket sold. This means that you only pay when an attendee buys a ticket to your event. This approach allows event organizers to benefit from an online ticketing solution without a large initial investment.

Moreover, Imagina offers the possibility to charge for additional modules according to the customer's needs. If you wish to add specific functionalities or customized services for your event, you can request a quote from the Imagina team. These optional modules allow you to adapt the platform to your specific needs, while only paying for what you actually use.

It is important to note that the commissions and rates of the additional modules may vary according to the nature of the event, the volume of sales or other factors. Feel free to visit Imagina's website or contact their team

How to set up Imagina for your event?

To start using Imagina, you just need to register on their website and create your event. In a few minutes, thanks to this module, you can configure the different options on ticket sales and reservations, customize your tickets and start selling them online. The steps are simple and intuitive, even for people who have never used online ticketing software before without any training.

Setting up the Imagina ticketing software solution for your event is a quick and easy process.

Follow these steps to successfully create and manage your online ticketing:

Step 1: Register and choose a subscription plan

Go to the Imagina website and ask for a demo. A sales representative will come back to you soon enough to present you the solution and know your needs. Once validated, he will put you in touch with a project manager who will take care of configuring everything for you.

Step 2: Event creation

To create your event, you will have access to the Imagina Pro dashboard where you can let the project manager fill in the required information, such as the name of the event, the date, the time, the place and a detailed description directly on the website. You can also add images, videos and links to your social networks to effectively promote your event to potential attendees.

Step 3: Set up tickets and pricing

Create different types of tickets for your event, such as general, VIP, or discounted tickets for students or seniors. Configure the prices, available quantities, and start and end dates on each ticket type to avoid creating misunderstandings with users.

Step 4: Customize the event and tickets

Use the customization options to tailor the look and feel of your event page and tickets to fit your brand image and company culture. You can customize colors, add your logo and even create custom ticket templates.

Step 5: Seat Management (if applicable)

If your event requires seating management, create a custom seating chart online and using Imagina's seating management tool. Assign seats to different ticket types and configure reserved areas, if necessary.

Step 6: Promote the event

Once you've completed these several steps, use the built-in marketing features and social media integrations to promote your event and attract a wider audience of attendees. Send email invitations, share the event on your social networks, and create promotional codes to entice potential customers to purchase tickets.

Step 7: Track Sales and Attendance

Monitor ticket sales and attendance in real time with the organizer dashboard in a few clicks and check in frequently. Use the analytics to identify trends and adjust your pricing and promotion strategy accordingly.

Step 8: Prepare to welcome participants

Make sure you have the necessary equipment to scan tickets and greet attendees on the day of the event. Online ticketing offers a dedicated mobile app to facilitate the check-in and access control process.

Testimonials from Imagina users

Many event organizers have chosen Imagina to manage their ticketing and are very satisfied. They appreciate the ease of use, the advanced features and the reactive customer support.

Here are some testimonies of satisfied users who have chosen Imagina's online ticketing software module to manage their events and ticket sales:

Julie, music festival organizer: "Since I started using Imagina online ticketing, managing tickets for our festivals has become so much easier and more efficient. The interface is very user-friendly and the customization options allow us to create attractive and professional tickets. I can't imagine organizing an event without Imagina software anymore!"

Marc, director of a local theater: "Imagina has transformed the way we manage our ticket sales. Seat management is incredibly easy and intuitive, and we've been able to increase our revenue with the analytics tools and flexible pricing options. The support team is always there to help us when we need it. I highly recommend Imagina Ticketing to all event organizers!"

Stephanie, Charity Event Coordinator: "As a charity event organizer, I was looking for an affordable and easy to use online ticketing solution. Imagina software met all of our expectations and more. The basic plan allowed us to manage our ticket sales without monthly subscription fees, and promoting our events on social media was a breeze. Thank you Imagina for your ticketing!"

Alexandre, corporate events manager: "We regularly organize conferences and seminars for our company, and Imagina ticketing has been a real asset in simplifying ticketing management. The enterprise plan offers us all the features we need, including integration with our CRM and priority support. We are thrilled with our choice and will continue to use Imagina Ticketing for our future events."

These user testimonials show how much Imagina is appreciated for its ease of use, its flexibility and its reactive customer support. Whatever the type or size of your event, Imagina is the ideal solution to simplify the management of online ticketing and offer an exceptional experience to your participants thanks to each tool having its own utility.

Alternatives to Imagina

Although Imagina is an excellent online ticketing solution for managing event tickets, there are also other alternatives on the French market that could meet your specific needs.

Each online ticketing platform has its strengths and weaknesses, its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the best solution depends on your specific needs, budget and preferences. Take the time to evaluate the alternatives to Imagina's online ticketing software to choose the one that best fits your expectations and those of your event.


All in all, Imagina is a comprehensive and easy-to-use online ticketing software that could be ideal for your event. With its many features and responsive customer service, Imagina stands out as a reliable and efficient solution. Do not hesitate to explore more on the internet and compare its offers with those of other ticketing software to choose the solution that best suits your needs and budget.

In conclusion, setting up Imagina's online ticketing tool for your event is a simple and smooth process that allows you to benefit from an efficient and effective online ticketing management. By following the steps described in this guide, you will not only be able to create an attractive and personalized event, but also to optimize the sale of tickets, promote your event and offer your participants an exceptional reservation tunnel.

With its user-friendly interface, customization options and advanced sales tracking and analysis options, Imagina is a complete solution for French event organizers of all sizes and types. By choosing Imagina's software for your event, you ensure a hassle-free online ticketing management, allowing you to focus on the organization of your event and the satisfaction of your audience.

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Is Imagina adapted for small events ?

Yes, Imagina is perfectly adapted for small events (shows, attractions, seminars...). The online ticketing software offers several subscription plans, some of which are specially designed for organizers of smaller-scale events. With its intuitive features, customization options and ease of use, Imagina ticketing software is ideal for managing online ticketing for events of all sizes, including the smallest.

Smaller event organizers can take advantage of the built-in promotion and marketing tools to reach their target audience and generate ticket sales. In addition, flexible pricing options and custom ticket templates allow ticketing to be tailored to the specific needs of the event and its on-site audience.

Finally, Imagina's responsive customer support is also a major asset for small event organizers in France, who may need assistance or advice on how to get the most out of the platform.

All in all, Imagina online ticketing is a versatile and accessible solution, perfectly adapted to small events looking to simplify and optimize their online ticketing management.

Is it possible to use Imagina for free events ?

Yes, it is possible to use the Imagina ticketing tool for free events. The platform offers the flexibility to manage events of all kinds, including those that do not require an entrance fee. You can easily set up free tickets in the system and allow attendees to register and reserve their seats at no cost.

By using Imagina ticketing for your free events, you still benefit from the platform's advantages, such as centralized registration management, promotion and communication systems, as well as customization options for your event in France. In addition, online registration management makes it easy to sell tickets and track each ticket or seat, the number of expected attendees and better anticipate the logistical needs of your event.

It is important to check the conditions of the subscription plans offered by Imagina to determine which plan is the most adapted to your needs, especially for free events. Some plans may offer more advantageous conditions for the management of events without entrance fees.

In summary, Imagina's ticketing software is a flexible solution that is also suitable for free events, allowing you to take advantage of its functionalities to facilitate the management of registrations and offer a smooth experience to your participants.

How can I know if my payment is secure on Imagina ?

Imagina integrates secure payment features in the ticketing software and works with trusted partners for online transactions and payments. You can be sure that payments related to ticket sales are processed securely and that sensitive data is protected.

Payment security is a priority for Imagina and the online ticketing software implements several measures to ensure the protection of financial transactions and users' personal data.

Here are some key elements that demonstrate the security of payments on Imagina:

Advanced encryption protocols: the Imagina ticketing service uses SSL/TLS encryption protocols to secure communications between the user's browser and the platform's server. These protocols ensure that sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and personal data, are encrypted and cannot be intercepted by malicious third parties.

Security Compliance: Imagina complies with the most stringent security standards in the industry, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This compliance ensures that the platform follows best practices in payment data protection and risk management for financial transactions.

Partnership with reputable payment providers: Imagina online ticketing service collaborates with reliable and recognized payment service providers to process financial transactions on the platform. These partners have for mission to guarantee the security of the payments and to protect the data of the users.

Confidentiality and security policy: Imagina has a clear confidentiality and security policy which describes the measures taken to protect the users' data and the financial transactions. You can consult this policy on the website of the platform to know more about Imagina's commitments in terms of security.

All in all, you can rest assured that your payment is secure on Imagina's ticketing software thanks to the advanced encryption protocols, compliance with security standards, partnership with reputable payment providers, and the transparent privacy and security policy.

Can we customize the design of the tickets on Imagina ?

Yes, on Imagina's online ticketing software, you can customize the design of tickets to match your brand image and the visual identity of your event. The platform offers a variety of customization options to allow you to create unique and attractive tickets for your attendees.

Here are some of the customization options available on Imagina for tickets:

Logo and brand colors: You can easily add your logo and customize your ticket colors to reflect your company or event's visual identity.

Images and backgrounds: The platform allows you to add custom images and backgrounds to give your tickets a unique and professional touch.

Text and typography: You can customize the text on your tickets, choosing the size, color and font that matches your preferences and the aesthetics of your event.

Additional Information: Imagina Ticketing allows you to add additional information to tickets, such as specific instructions, barcodes or QR codes for easy entry, or other details relevant to your event.

Ticket templates: Imagina also offers predefined ticket templates to help you get started quickly. You can choose one of these templates and customize it to your needs, or create a completely custom ticket design.

In short, customizing your ticket design on Imagina is not only possible, but also simple and accessible thanks to the various options and features offered by the platform. By customizing your tickets, you help reinforce the identity of your event and offer a unique experience to your attendees.

How to contact Imagina's customer support?

To contact Imagina's customer support, several options are available to you, in order to guarantee a fast and efficient assistance in case of need. Here are the main methods to contact Imagina's support team:

Email: You can send an email detailing your inquiry or problem to Imagina's customer support email address, usually listed on their website. The support team will answer your request as soon as possible.

Contact Form: Imagina's website often has a contact form that you can fill out to submit your request. Be sure to provide all relevant information to allow the support team to help you efficiently.

Live Chat: Some French websites, including Imagina's, offer live chat for instant assistance. If this option is available, you can chat in real time with a customer support representative who will help you solve your problem.

Phone: If a phone number is listed on Imagina's online website, you can call customer support for assistance. Phone support hours may vary, so be sure to check this information before calling.

FAQ and knowledge base: Before contacting the support team, you can also consult Imagina's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section or knowledge base, which contain answers to many common questions and useful information to solve possible problems.

In short, to contact Imagina software customer support, you can use email, contact form, live chat, phone or consult the FAQ and knowledge base. Do not hesitate to use these resources to get help and information about the platform and its features.


Manon Le douaran

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