
Checklist for organising a business event

Last modification : 09/23/2024 05:16 PM


Organising a professional event is a genuine challenge that requires meticulous preparation in project management and communication. Establishing an appropriate procedure and controlling the various elements are essential to ensure the success of your event.

In this article, we provide you with an essential checklist to assist you in this mission, addressing the criteria and checks necessary for organising a successful professional event, regardless of its type. We will cover key themes, such as information flow, including the use of maps and videos.

This list will guide you step by step so you can navigate the organisation process with confidence and ensure that all aspects are considered.

Define the event objectives

To organise a successful professional event, it is crucial to define its objectives. Clarifying the purpose will give meaning to your event and guide all the decisions you make during the organisation.

First, establish a list of the main objectives considering your company’s field of activity and the preferences of your target audience. This could include, for example, product promotion, enhancing brand image, or networking among participants.

Also, think about the purpose of your event and how it can contribute to your company’s image. If you aim to strengthen your brand image, ensure that the communication and activities of the event reflect your company’s values and identity.

Choose the date and venue

Choosing the date and venue is a crucial step in implementing your project. These decisions must be made considering several factors to guarantee the success of your event.

It is important to gather information regarding your participants’ availability, their preferences, and any major events that might coincide. This way, you can determine a date that suits the majority of your target audience.

Pay particular attention to holiday periods and competing events to avoid low participation in your professional event. Don’t hesitate to consult event calendars in your field to ensure you are not in direct competition with other similar events, thus avoiding becoming an adversary to other organisers.

Regarding the venue choice, it should be suitable for the expected number of participants and the type of event you are organising. Consider capacity, available facilities, accessibility, and offered services.

Establish a budget

Establishing a realistic budget is a key element in organising a professional event, whether in France or elsewhere. Defining a budget will help you better plan expenses and ensure your event's success.

Your budget should account for costs related to the venue, catering, speaker fees, communication materials, technical equipment, etc. To do this, survey the providers and services you will need, including games and activities, especially if your event takes place in France. Compare offers and select the options that best match your budget and expectations. This way, you will be able to make an informed choice to organise a successful professional event tailored to your needs.

Select participants and guests

It is important to accurately target the individuals likely to be interested in your event to maximise its impact and achieve your objectives.

First, create checklists of potential participants and guests. This list may include clients, partners, suppliers, members of your professional network, and industry experts. Be mindful of the number of people you can accommodate.

Next, segment your list by participant profiles and their interests. This will allow you to tailor your communication and invitations to meet the expectations of each group. Consider the vocabulary, tone, and wording to use, as well as engaging elements like games or challenges, to spark participants’ interest and create a competitive dynamic in the various activities proposed.

Ensure you also consider your guests’ constraints, such as holidays or busy work periods. Try to plan your event on a date that suits the majority of your guests to maximise their participation.

Finally, plan follow-ups and reminders to encourage your targeted individuals to register for your event. You can use various communication channels, such as emails, social media, or phone calls, to reach as many people as possible.

Plan the programme


It is important to select and plan your speakers’ contributions carefully, considering various elements such as their expertise, language, availability, and the preferences of your target audience.

First, identify experts, speakers, and facilitators that align with the theme and objectives of your event. Consult available information on their backgrounds, experience, and specialties. You can also ask for recommendations from your professional network.

Next, contact potential speakers to check their availability and discuss the terms of their participation. At this stage, it is important to determine the content of their presentations and the format of their contributions (lecture, workshop, interactive game, etc.).

Don’t hesitate to adapt the vocabulary and format of each presentation based on your target audience's preferences. Also, prepare a "welcome kit" for the speakers, containing all the useful information about the event’s proceedings, schedules, locations, and key contacts. This small detail can help make speakers feel comfortable and facilitate their participation in your event.

Activities and workshops

Create checklists of the topics and areas you wish to address during your event. These lists will help you select relevant and varied activities and workshops based on the theme and objectives of your event.

Next, consider activity and workshop formats that suit your audience. If your event is aimed at a young and dynamic audience, prioritise interactive and engaging sessions. For example, you might organise brainstorming workshops with cards and words to associate, or role-playing games to develop certain skills. Involve participants by providing them with a kit containing essential items for the workshops, such as pens, notepads, and other resources in French. This way, you’ll offer an enriching and memorable experience to all participants.

Ensure the safety and smooth running of the activities and workshops. To do this, implement necessary measures, such as health protocols, specific safety rules, or supervisors to oversee activities. Make sure these measures contribute to participants’ quality of life during the event and guarantee their well-being and safety.

Communicate about the event

Use social media (Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) to share information about your event, including articles, videos, or testimonials. Don’t hesitate to create attractive posts with images or maps to spark your audience’s interest.

Establish newsletters to regularly inform your contacts about the progress of your event organisation. In each newsletter, remember to include key elements such as the date, location, programme, and speakers, as well as links to useful documents or in-depth articles. Also, use data collected via cookies to tailor the newsletter content to your recipients’ preferences. Include relevant keywords and a summary in checklist form to facilitate reading and understanding of essential information. Feel free to add practical tips, such as suggestions for items to bring to the event, to add value to your communications.

Manage registrations and ticketing

Managing registrations and ticketing is a crucial step in organising a professional event. To facilitate this process, it is essential to set up an online registration system using identifiers and to plan the various pricing options.

Create an online registration form with the necessary fields to collect essential information about your participants. Include a verification system, such as checks, identifiers, or validation codes, to prevent fraudulent or multiple registrations.

If the event is paid, provide an online ticketing system that allows participants to choose from different prices based on their status (student, professional, association member, etc.). Don’t forget to include secure and varied payment options to facilitate transactions.

Organise logistics


Establish a catering schedule considering the duration of the event. Ensure that you plan several breaks to allow participants to relax and recharge.

Develop a varied menu for meals and snacks, taking into account participants’ preferences and dietary restrictions, as well as their health. The content of these menus should be balanced and diverse, catering to all tastes and contributing to the well-being of attendees. Don’t forget to offer different options to meet everyone’s specific needs.

Finally, remember to prepare take-away bags for participants who wish to have lunch on the go or who have time constraints. Each bag should contain fresh and convenient items to consume.


Accommodation is an important aspect of logistics when organising a multi-day professional event. It is essential to provide suitable accommodation solutions close to the venue to facilitate participants' stays.

Start by compiling a checklist of accommodation establishments located near the event venue, such as hotels, serviced apartments, and hostels.

Prepare an informational document for participants, in French and English if necessary, presenting the different accommodation options. Include the names, contact details, prices, and booking conditions of each establishment, as well as any rights and benefits participants might receive (preferred rates, included services, etc.).


Gather information on the various means of transport available to access the event, such as trains, buses, and planes (in case of travel from other cities or countries), and share this information with participants. Establish a clear procedure and communicate it effectively.

Provide participants with a detailed map of local public transport, as well as information on nearby parking facilities. This will allow participants to plan their journeys and move easily on site, thus simplifying their experience during the event.

Ensure safety and compliance with regulations

Adhere to safety standards and regulations applicable to your event, including French laws on data protection if you are collecting personal information such as cookies. Plan for security personnel and necessary equipment. Also, ensure that you communicate the relevant keywords and instructions to participants to clarify the rules to follow and guarantee a safe and pleasant atmosphere for everyone.

Prepare a backup plan

Having a backup plan when organising a professional event is essential to anticipate unforeseen circumstances and ensure the smooth execution of each step.

To develop an effective backup plan, start by identifying potential risks associated with each phase of the event. Then, consider alternative solutions that could be implemented if problems arise.

For an outdoor event, for example, prepare an indoor backup location or tents to protect participants from rain. Also, think about adapting the content and flow of activities or games so they can be conducted indoors if necessary.

Monitor the event in real time

During the event, ensure that everything is going as planned and intervene if issues arise. Use social media to share highlights and gather participants’ reactions. Don’t hesitate to perform regular checks and review feedback by reading comments and posts on various social media platforms.

Evaluate the event afterward

Conducting an evaluation after a professional event is essential to assess its success, analyse participant feedback, and determine areas for improvement for future editions.

To carry out this evaluation, start by collecting feedback from participants through questionnaires or interviews. Take the time to carefully read their comments and suggestions to glean valuable insights.

Also, create a checklist of points to improve for future editions, taking into account participant feedback and observations made during the event. Don’t forget to consider the experiences participants had and the key themes that emerged from their feedback. Also, include the contributions of various stakeholders, such as partners, speakers, and volunteers, to better understand successes and areas for improvement.

Thank participants and partners

Send a thank-you message to all participants and partners, taking care to choose the right words and inviting them to read the feedback on the event.

Share with them the results and highlights of the event, and don’t forget to mention the key players who contributed to its success. Ensure that you double-check the information shared to guarantee its accuracy and relevance.


Organising a professional event is a genuine challenge that requires meticulous preparation, good coordination, and rigorous teamwork. This carefully crafted checklist will help you ensure that nothing is overlooked and that every stage of the organisation is completed successfully to guarantee your event’s success.

Remember that organising a professional event is a team effort. Be adaptable and responsive to unforeseen circumstances, relying on each member’s skills to overcome potential obstacles and challenges.

Finally, stay attentive to participant feedback and industry developments to continually improve your event and adapt it to the expectations and needs of your target audience. Keep the motto in mind: adaptability. Don’t hesitate to introduce playful elements to create a friendly and stimulating atmosphere, and use a kit of ideas to propose varied and interesting activities.

By following this checklist and paying attention to detail, you will maximise your chances of organising a successful professional event that will leave a lasting impression and enhance your image among partners, clients, and collaborators.


Arthur Josset

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