
5 Mistakes to avoid when setting up an online ticketing service

Last modification : 05/13/2024 04:36 PM


The emergence and rapid adoption of digital technologies has greatly facilitated the introduction of online ticketing solutions, causing an unprecedented transformation in the event industry. Whether it is concerts, shows or any other type of event, this evolution has enabled an optimized management of reservations and payments. Indeed, many platforms now offer a turnkey ticketing service, offering a wide range of features to meet the specific needs of each organiser.

With these platforms, you can set a custom rate for each event, generate tickets with a unique barcode or QR code for each booking, and track sales in real time from an intuitive dashboard. In addition, some services also integrate a secure self-service payment module, making the payment process easier for users.

However, despite these technological advances, some common mistakes can hinder the success of an online ticketing service. For example, the absence of check boxes to accept the conditions of use, poor seat management or an ineffective numbered placement can cause problems. In addition, a platform not translated into French may limit the scope of your event in this specific market.

Fortunately, most of these problems can be avoided with adequate training and competent technical support. Training can help understand all the features offered by the platform, including customer data management, using social networks to promote the event, or setting sales prices. In addition, responsive customer service can help quickly resolve issues that may arise along the way.

However, despite the existence of training, the most common error remains the lack of regular updates to the system. Like any software, online ticketing solutions require frequent updates to ensure their optimal operation. The absence of these updates can lead to malfunctions, affecting the user experience and, therefore, the success of the event.

In short, the success of your online ticketing service depends on a multitude of factors, ranging from the site’s ergonomics to the quality of customer service. It is therefore crucial to be aware of these aspects before launching your next ticket sale session. If you are interested in a demo of our online ticketing solution, please contact us for a detailed overview of our services.

Error 1: Ignore user comfort

Neglect the user interface

Neglecting the user interface of your online ticketing solution can result in a significant decrease in the number of tickets sold for the events and sessions offered. It is one of the main ticket sales tools, as it is the first point of contact between the organiser and potential participants.

A ticketing software must offer an optimal user experience, facilitating the registration and purchase of tickets with just a few clicks. Users should not be forced to find out how to buy a ticket. If the interface is not intuitive and easy to understand, users could quickly lose interest and look for other online ticketing for their entertainment and event needs.

The technology used to build online ticketing has a direct influence on its use. Modern ticketing software generally offers an interactive dashboard that gives an overview of the entire process, from registration to ticket purchase. This is a turnkey feature for organizers, regardless of the type or size of the event.

Training may be required for some users, especially if the ticketing software is feature-rich. However, good software should be designed to be as easy to use as possible, with clear indications and a responsive support system.

Thanks to the sending of a confirmation email after the ticket purchase and the ability to share information about the event via links on the ticketing website, the organization of the events can be greatly facilitated. This kind of functionality increases efficiency and contributes to the overall success of the event.

In summary, a well-designed user interface for online ticketing can make a big difference in the ticket sales market. It should be built with the user in mind, facilitating the entire process from registration to online ticket purchase. A poor selection of software can lead to lower registration and ticket sales, which is why it is crucial to choose a tool that meets the needs of users and organizers.

Ignore the mobile experience

Ignoring the mobile experience when setting up an online ticketing solution for events such as concerts and shows would be a major mistake. A growing number of people are using their mobile phones to do a variety of tasks, including ticket purchases and seat reservations. That’s why your website and ticketing platform must be optimized for mobile devices.

A modern ticketing solution offers an intuitive dashboard that adapts to any type of device, offering a self-service experience where participants can easily make their choice of numbered placement, for example, and proceed to booking. Check boxes for different fares and ticket options must be clearly visible and functional, even on a small screen.

Features such as payment management, booking mini-seats, viewing the event venue, and other important data must be easily accessible and readable on a mobile phone’s screen. The tool must be designed so that all clicks, check boxes and buttons are large enough to be used without error on a touch screen.

In addition, French support must be available to help users navigate and understand the platform. Demand for an optimized mobile experience is high in the market, and not meeting this demand could hinder the success of your online ticket sales project.

Training in the use of the mobile interface may also be necessary for some organisers. However, with intuitive design, most users should be able to understand how to use the platform on their mobile device without difficulty.

The website should offer the possibility to send booking confirmation emails directly from the mobile platform, allowing participants to keep track of their tickets and reservations easily.

In conclusion, the mobile experience is an essential component of online ticket sales today. An organization that ignores this fact risks losing a significant part of its potential target. This is why it is crucial to choose an online ticketing tool that meets not only the needs of organizers, but also those participants who prefer to use their mobile devices to purchase their tickets.

Error 2: Not offering enough payment methods

Not offering enough payment methods in your online ticketing solution is a mistake that could dissuade some potential customers from finalizing their ticket purchase for concerts, sessions or other types of events. Flexibility is key when designing a ticket sales system. Participants are looking for a platform where they can easily choose their numbered placement, choose the rate that suits them and purchase the ticket using their preferred payment method.

The online ticketing tool must offer different payment options to meet all needs. Modern ticketing tools and software generally support a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, mobile app payments, and sometimes even cryptocurrencies. This variety can increase the rate of registration and ticket sales, as it allows customers to choose the payment method that suits them best.

However, it is important to note that the addition of these different payment options must be accompanied by enhanced security to protect customer data. Online ticketing software must be equipped with robust security measures to protect payment information and other sensitive data from fraud attempts.

A user-friendly interface and an effective dashboard can help manage these multiple payment methods. In addition, French language supports can be provided to help users navigate the payment system. A self-service system can also be beneficial, as it allows customers to manage their own transactions without the need for assistance, except when needed.

A demonstration (demo) of the online ticketing software can be useful for event organizers, so they can better understand how the system works and how they can make the most of it for their ticket sales.

Finally, it is essential to clearly communicate the different payment methods available on the ticketing website, so that customers can see at a glance the options available to them. With effective communication, clients will be able to choose the settlement method that works best for them, increasing the chances of success of the project.

In short, a multitude of payment methods is an important feature to consider when designing an online ticketing solution. It offers customers greater flexibility, improves their shopping experience and can ultimately lead to increased ticket sales.

Error 3: Do not comply with legal regulations

General data protection regulations

Failure to comply with legal regulations is a serious mistake that can have devastating consequences for organizers of events using an online ticketing solution. Ticketing platforms and related software handle a large amount of sensitive data, including personal information and settlement details. It is therefore essential to comply with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe.

Your online ticketing solution must be designed with these regulations in mind from the outset. This includes features that allow users to control their personal data, such as the ability to modify, delete or transfer their data at any time. In addition, users must be informed of how their data will be used, and they must give their explicit consent before their data is collected or processed.

Registrations for an event, for example, should be designed so that participants only provide the information necessary to purchase the ticket. Similarly, event organizers must have access to data management tools that enable them to comply with user requests for their data.

The ticketing website must also implement robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access. This may include the use of standard Internet security protocols, data encryption, and monitoring and alert systems to detect and prevent data breaches.

Training may be required for event organizers to help them understand their legal responsibilities for data protection. Support should also be available to help resolve any issues related to compliance with legal regulations.

It is also crucial to ensure that settlement processes are secure and comply with all online financial transaction regulations. Users must be able to make payments with confidence, knowing that their financial information is secure.

In short, failure to comply with legal regulations, particularly in the area of data protection, can have serious consequences for event organizers. That’s why it’s crucial to choose an online ticketing solution that not only meets the needs of users and organizers, but is also designed with legal compliance in mind. Through appropriate legal compliance, event organizers can focus on ticket sales and the success of their events without having to worry about potential legal issues.

Other legal obligations

In addition to complying with data protection regulations, it is imperative that your online ticketing solution complies with all other legal obligations. For example, a key obligation is to provide clear and accurate pricing information. This is particularly relevant when purchasing tickets for events such as concerts, shows or other types of events.

All details regarding ticket prices, including any possible additional charges such as booking or management fees, must be clearly indicated on the ticket platform. This must be visible before the participant engages in the purchasing process, to avoid any accusations of misleading advertising or unfair marketing practices.

Your online ticketing software must offer features that make it possible to display this information clearly and transparently. Prices must be displayed in large print and easily visible. Furthermore, if discounts are available, for example for certain types of participants or for the purchase of several tickets, this information must also be clearly indicated.

In addition, it is essential to know and comply with the regulations specific to your event venue. For example, some regions may have specific laws regarding live events, ticket purchase or numbered placement. It is therefore crucial to learn about and understand these regulations to avoid any legal problems.

Event organizers can benefit from training to understand these legal obligations and how to implement them as part of their event. Support must be available to answer all questions and help resolve any issues related to these obligations.

In conclusion, meeting all legal obligations when using an online ticketing solution is not only essential to avoid legal problems, but it is also an ethical business practice that helps build trust with participants. By providing clear pricing information and respecting other legal obligations, you can ensure that attendees have a positive experience when purchasing their tickets and contribute to the success of your event.

Error 4: Neglecting Customer Service

Neglecting customer service is a mistake that can have a negative impact on the reputation and sales of an online ticketing platform. Good customer service can make all the difference when it comes to building customer loyalty and attracting new users. Customers expect responsive and helpful support that can solve their problems quickly and efficiently.

Having tools and solutions in place that facilitate interaction with customer service is critical. This could include an online chat system, email support or even a phone hotline. These tools can help quickly respond to customer requests and resolve any issues they may encounter when purchasing tickets or registering for an event.

The online ticketing software must also have built-in features that facilitate the management of customer requests. For example, an admin dashboard can help track support requests, while automated features, such as pre-programmed responses, can help manage common questions.

In addition, the training of customer service personnel is essential to ensure that they are equipped to respond effectively to customer questions and problems. They must understand how the ticketing platform works, including how to deal with common issues such as settlement issues or ticket purchase errors.

The website must be designed to facilitate access to customer support. This could include a visible "Support" button or a detailed FAQ section on the website. Customers should be able to quickly find the information they need or contact customer service with just a few clicks.

Ultimately, excellent customer service can be a determining factor in users' choice of an online ticketing platform. By providing quality customer service, event organizers can ensure that participants have a positive experience, which can contribute to the overall success of their events.

Providing exceptional customer service is not only beneficial for ticket sales and customer satisfaction, but it can also help establish the reputation of the event organizer and ticketing platform as reliable and customer-focused. Thanks to responsive and helpful customer service, online ticketing can stand out in the competitive event ticket market.

Error 5: Not investing in marketing

Traditional marketing

One of the common mistakes made by event planners is not investing enough in marketing, especially when it comes to promoting their ticketing solution. Despite the rapid evolution of technology and the internet, traditional marketing remains a powerful tool for attracting attention and boosting ticket sales.

Posters, flyers and advertisements in the local press are traditional and proven marketing tools. They reach a wide audience and can be particularly effective in promoting local events. Event planners may also consider using radio or television to reach an even wider target.

Ticketing software can also be a valuable tool for marketing. For example, it can offer registration and ticket management features that allow event planners to track ticket sales and effectively manage ticket requests. The software can also integrate digital marketing tools, such as email marketing or conversion tracking, that can help increase the visibility of the online event and boost ticket sales.

It is also important not to neglect the power of internet marketing. The ticketing website needs to be optimized for search engines, and event planners need to use social networks to promote their event and online ticketing. Online marketing can help increase the number of views of the event page and attract more potential attendees.

In addition, it is important to offer several payment options to facilitate the purchase of tickets online. This can include traditional payment options such as credit cards, but also more modern options such as mobile payments or cryptocurrencies.

In short, investing in marketing, whether traditional or digital, is crucial to the success of an online box office. By combining effective marketing strategies with a quality ticketing solution, event planners can attract a wider audience, boost ticket sales and ensure the success of their event.

Digital marketing

In today’s digital-dominated world, it is essential for event promoters not to neglect digital marketing. Digital marketing, including tools and strategies such as social networks, SEO, and email marketing, can be a powerful lever to attract a wider audience to your box office and boost ticket sales.

Social networks play a crucial role in digital marketing. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter offer tremendous potential for promoting online events and ticketing. They help reach a broad target, engage users and create a community around the event. Built-in features, such as the ability to share events, invite friends, or create sponsored posts, can be particularly effective tools to increase event visibility.

SEO is another essential digital marketing strategy. Optimizing your ticketing website for search engines can help attract quality traffic and increase the number of views of your site. By investing in SEO, you can ensure that people looking for events or tickets online will easily find your site.

Modern ticketing software can offer integrated tools for digital marketing. For example, they can integrate SEO, social media management, or email marketing features. They can also provide useful data and analytics, such as the number of tickets sold, the number of registrations or the conversion rate, that can help evaluate the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategies.

In addition, email marketing remains an effective way to communicate with potential participants, boost registrations and maintain engagement. It can be used to send updates on the event, special offers or reminders for ticket purchases.

By investing in digital marketing, event promoters can reach a broader target, boost ticket sales, and ultimately ensure the success of their event. With effective digital marketing strategies and a quality online ticketing solution, they can create a positive experience for attendees and build a solid reputation for their events.


Setting up an online ticketing system is a process that, while sometimes complex, can be greatly facilitated by informed and strategic decision-making. One of the keys to success in this area is to avoid some common mistakes. By investing in a quality user interface, offering a variety of payment methods, complying with legal regulations, providing excellent customer satisfaction, and investing in marketing, you can not only maximize ticket sales but also ensure an optimal experience for participants.

The use of ticketing software is a key solution to effectively manage ticket sales and registration. This type of solution provides a comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of online ticketing, from ticket sales tracking to managing attendee registrations. In addition, this solution can also provide useful tools for managing customer satisfaction and marketing, helping to improve the overall experience of participants.

It is also essential to have a flexible platform that allows the sale of different types of tickets. Whether standard seats or special mini-packages, the goal is to meet each participant’s specific request. Thanks to ticketing software, you can easily manage these different types of tickets, while ensuring smooth registration management and a quick response to any request from participants.

In addition, it is essential to offer a variety of payment methods to facilitate ticket sales. Whether it’s credit card payments, mobile payments or other forms of online payment, the goal is to make the ticket purchase process as simple and stress-free as possible for participants.

When it comes to compliance with legal regulations, it is crucial to ensure that your website complies with all relevant laws. This may include data protection rules, as well as specific ticket sales requirements. A good ticketing solution will help you navigate these rules, ensuring your website is compliant and protecting both you and your attendees.

Excellent customer service is also essential to the success of ticket sales. Whether it’s answering questions about tickets, resolving settlement issues, or managing participants' specific requests, a responsive and helpful customer satisfaction team can make all the difference.

Finally, don’t forget the importance of marketing in promoting your online ticketing. Whether you choose to focus on traditional or digital marketing, the goal is to attract a wider audience and increase the number of views on your website. With the right software and strategies, you can increase the visibility of your event, boost ticket sales and ensure the success of your online ticketing.

In conclusion, by avoiding these common mistakes and making strategic choices, you position yourself for maximum success in the world of online ticketing. Thanks to a judicious management and the use of efficient ticketing software, you can optimize each sale, from the smallest to the largest, and respond to all types of requests from participants.

Establishing an online platform for ticket sales is not only a matter of engineering, it’s also a matter of user experience. Every click on your website, every registration, every ticket sold contributes to the general satisfaction of your participants. It is therefore essential to emphasize the efficiency of your website and the ease of use of your online ticketing system.

Finally, remember that each ticket sold is the result of a concerted effort. Your attendees are the heart of your event, and every ticket sale is a vote of confidence in your organization. Listen to their needs, answer their questions and make sure they have a positive experience. With constant attention to the quality of your service and proactive management, you can ensure the success of your online ticketing. So be ready to welcome a growing number of enthusiastic participants for your future events!


1. What are the benefits of online ticketing for events?

The advantages of online ticketing are many. First, it provides participants with unparalleled convenience, as they can purchase tickets anytime, anywhere. In addition, the ticket sales process becomes incredibly fast and easy. Thanks to the efficient management of the interface, buyers can select their seats and get their tickets in just a few clicks. In addition, an online ticketing has the potential to reach a wider audience than traditional ticketing, as it is not limited by geographical constraints.

2. What payment methods should I offer for my ticket sales?

To maximize your chances of selling every available ticket, it is recommended to offer various payment methods on your ticket office. The most commonly accepted options include credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. Some online ticketing companies even offer mobile payment options such as Apple Pay or Google Pay, which can make it even easier for participants to purchase a ticket.

3. How can I ensure that my site is optimized for mobile devices?

Ensuring your site is optimized for mobile devices is crucial in managing your web ticketing. You can hire a professional web developer to ensure your site is responsive. This means that the layout and size of the elements of your site will automatically adapt to the size of the user’s screen, whether he is using a computer, tablet or smartphone. This will allow participants to purchase tickets and select their seats easily, regardless of the device they use.

4. Do I need to invest in traditional or digital marketing for my web ticketing?

Investing in both traditional and digital marketing can be very beneficial for ticket sales for your event. Traditional marketing can help you target a local audience and generate demand for your tickets. On the other hand, digital marketing can help you reach a much wider audience, increasing the number of tickets you could sell. Every ticket sold through these marketing efforts contributes to the success of your event.

5. How can I ensure that my site complies with the GDPR?

To ensure that your ticket sales site complies with the GDPR, it would be best to consult a GDPR compliance expert. Among the measures to be taken is the implementation of a transparent privacy policy, ensuring that users can easily access their data and delete it if necessary. For example, if a participant buys seats on your site, they should be able to see the information you have collected about them and request their removal. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to protect the personal information of participants who book seats and to avoid possible legal sanctions. Every ticket sold on your platform demonstrates the trust your attendees place in you, so it’s essential to maintain that trust by ensuring the security of their data.


Pauline Ramier

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